1) Lines to Infinity by Taffy

2) Pete's Moonlit Adventures by Peter Dulis

3) No Fishing Tomorrow by Shepherdman's Wife

4) Mule Wrangler by KV

5) A small town in the night by haskar

6) SOS 🤷‍♂️ by joeyM

7) 2022-02-19 N°19 by Mona

8) Shafted by Graeme Stevens

9) Flash of Red #16 by Islandgirl

10) Swan Love by *lynn

11) all dressed up by ☠northy

12) night life by sarah

13) Totally Calm by Milanie

14) Stag in the shade by tony gig

15) that flash of red by KoalaGardens🐨

16) Flower converted to bw.......... by ~*~ Jo ~*~

17) Flash of Red 21 by Carole Sandford

18) Lynde Light by Kerry McCarthy

19) One of the bunch by Beryl Lloyd

20) Dream catcher by kali

  1. Lines to Infinity by taffy

  2. Pete's Moonlit Adventures by pdulis

  3. No Fishing Tomorrow by shepherdmanswife

  4. Mule Wrangler by kvphoto

  5. A small town in the night by haskar

  6. SOS 🤷‍♂️ by joemuli

  7. 2022-02-19 N°19 by mona65

  8. Shafted by graemestevens

  9. Flash of Red #16 by radiogirl

  10. Swan Love by lynnz

  11. all dressed up by northy

  12. night life by samae

  13. Totally Calm by milaniet

  14. Stag in the shade by tonygig

  15. that flash of red by koalagardens

  16. Flower converted to bw.......... by ziggy77

  17. Flash of Red 21 by carole_sandford

  18. Lynde Light by mccarth1

  19. One of the bunch by beryl

  20. Dream catcher by kali66


Many people ask me questions about how photos and ranking are chosen for the Top 20. This discussion is usually a grievance that their photo should have been on the list or they are being singled out and the system is unfair in some way.

I want to make clear that this list is generated by a computer algorithm, it looks at some aspects of the photos stats.. like how many "Favs" the photo had in the last 7 days, the date the photo was posted on etc. It then attempts to rank those photos.

Unfortunately the computer sometimes disagrees with your personal opinion. No person or the computer has enough information to make a perfect decision about this... for example a user may have stolen a photo from the internet and posted it as their own.. it's extremely difficult to identify when that happens... so mistakes happen... people frequently try to cheat systems like this, I have tried to make it as equitable as possible, but please know that this page, this algorithm is dumb, it's making guesses based on some numbers in a machine, and it doesn't have all the information it would really need to make a perfect decision, it's making trade-offs and guesses.

This top 20 is not a true reflection of anyones photography skills, self worth, or anything else, its only intention is some light entertainment. No person is ever singled out favourable or unfavourably.

Please know I don't want any person to feel bad or upset about the contents of this page (or the popular page etc). It's just a computer making guesses and you personally are worth a lot more to this community, your family, friends etc than the computer could ever know.

February 25th, 2022
Oh Ross @scrivna the above reads as if you have had some grief. I love looking at the TT for ideas to nick and love it if one of mine gets here. I have thought that it seems to be down to speed of favs given and the ratio of comments to favs and now I know its also what your Magic Monkeys guess at.

Thank you for making the 365 site the best camera club on the planet full of clever people I can (try to) copy!!
March 4th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond just the usual ;-)

Thanks for your generous words.
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