Last one. I've been meaning to do this all month, nothing like leaving it to the last minute.
Thank you to all for your enthusiastic support of my cutlery month. I've been learning cutting-edge processing skills and your spoontaneous support has given me the forkitude to carry on!
This is also high end photography!! In November 2018 Kali set me the most fun challenge - to be inspired by the kitchen art of Jackie Rankin and yes, I did get @wakelys to lob a mixer into the air for me!!
LOL! While this photo is a peeler-ing and very spatula, your commentary left ladle to our imagination about the tong in cheek finish to your scooping project!
My Gosh...I have just looked at your wonderful April many innovative ideas. I liked all of the table settings ..April 10th Spoons reflecting my very favourite....Fav
Your month of cutlery has been quite incredible - looking at the whole month's worth - there are just so many stand out images and your processing of many of them has been marvellous. I think my favourite is still your spots and stripes with the spoons - but how good is it to finish with "a fork in a fork" You must be very happy with what you have achieved - congratulations! :)
@robz thank you so much Rob!
@happysnaps mine too!!!
@randystreat thanks Kathy
@haskar v kind
@koalagardens well you know me!!
@Weezilou think lockdown got yo me,??
@wakelys ta hope you liked trip down memory lane of the mixer??
@joansmor no really it's copied!
@mittens got word looks from other walkers
@grammyn oh so funny!!!
@jb030958 new word!!
@ludwigsdiana hmm might have blurred it a bit
@pdulis thsnks