A Scavenging of Gulls by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

A Scavenging of Gulls

My get pushed from Kali was to capture a bird in flight, so to the seaside I headed. Sue came with me armed with a couple of slices of bread to throw to the gulls and ravens . When we got to the beach there was a chap armed with three loaves of bread to feed the gulls. Sue took her slices of bread home, but only after she'd joined in getting a better photograph of a gull!

PoJT - an unplanned visit to Sue with a catch up in her sunny garden to hear all about her holiday with a cuppa and a jam doughnut.
@kali66 here you go kali, birds in flight as requested
June 28th, 2024  
Wonderful capture
June 28th, 2024  
Super shot in flight
June 28th, 2024  
Were they after your food again. Ah no. Sue's feeding them. Nice capture of the birds getting ready to dive bomb you.
June 28th, 2024  
haha Desi called them a squabble but they were on the ground so what do you call them in the air - a scavenging is perfect
June 28th, 2024  
great shot, but bread is junk food for birds!
June 28th, 2024  
What a super shot!!
June 28th, 2024  
Fantastic! Makes me think of Jonathan Livingstone Seagull,
June 28th, 2024  
Totally impressive capture of all these birds in flight! So happy you and Sue had a chance to spend some time together
June 28th, 2024  
Good capture
June 28th, 2024  
I am so pleased that my local knowledge helped with your get pushed. Fond memories of a previous challenge. At least food mixers were not required today.
June 28th, 2024  
Great capture
June 28th, 2024  
Great shot. Squabble / scavenging they both work
June 29th, 2024  
They really are scavengers aren't they.
June 29th, 2024  
June 29th, 2024  
Amazing. It looks like you got the whole flock. Beautiful capture.
June 29th, 2024  
Great response to the challenge - not just one bird but eight!!
June 29th, 2024  
Well done
June 29th, 2024  
Fabulous shot of birds in flight
June 29th, 2024  
Bird in flight! Super capture! Fav
Eight birds in flight, each ones wings a little different.
June 29th, 2024  
Love it!
June 29th, 2024  
@jamibann thank you
@happysnaps I did wonder if it looks composite? It's not!
@kjarn thank you

@amyk amy it was blind luck
@dkbarnett delwyn there were dozens there!
@shutterbug49 this is a small portion

@christinav thank you
@onewing I think they know this chap feeds them
@narayani they have a few collective nouns on line
@nigelrogers blindly scattered with burst, got lucky

@wakelys oh but that challenge was fun, would love to have another try now I'm a bit (!) better!

@joansmor thank you, pure luck
@grammyn we laughed and left after 5 minutes!
@tiaj1402 could have been his name
@robz thank you, just a bit cropped

@kali66 it certainly is, and shouldn't be encouraged by the loaf load!!
A great challenge - reminded Sue and me of your one years ago to capture a falling food mixer ( which was a safer challenge!)

@koalagardens they have a few collective nouns but I think a thiefery would be accurate
@randystreat fortunately they were closer to the chap feeding them
@casablanca they were a gaggle on the ground
@365projectorgchristine thank you
June 29th, 2024  
Beautifully captured.
June 29th, 2024  
Wow beautifully captured Jackie in wonderful detail, Fav:)
June 29th, 2024  
FAVtastic :)
June 30th, 2024  
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