Olive, The Lodger Cat, ate the first egg I had ready to photograph, silly me leaving it out overnight! She's lucky to still be alive- not because they are toxic to cats, but because I don't share my Creme Eggs
The use of the third fork is rather creative. Personally I would happily give you, the cat or any other being asking the creme egg - I find them far too sweet. Now offer me good solid dark chocolate and I'm a very happy bunny.
@grammyn it's a classic
@randystreat thank you
@randystreat fluke
@robz she does!!!
@anniesue and back to you!! ;)
@phil_sandford ta
@jb030958 one more photo
@sarah19 not really, totally copied I'm afraid
@ludwigsdiana thank you
@merrelyn I'll eat any chocolate
@salza I'm afrsid third fork not my idea, saw on web, and it helped balance the egg!!!
@onewing had to buy another one!! Egg, not cat!!