catching snowflakes by aecasey

catching snowflakes

It was definitely cold enough for frozen bubbles, but I just can't quite get the technique to photograph them. This is just bubble mix straight out of the bubble mix bottle. Most of the pretty crystal formations you see on frozen bubbles come from a homemade mix using sugar, which creates lovely crystalline structures. This is just a bit swirly. BUT ... then the snowflakes got stuck as the bubble was freezing, which I thought was pretty cool. While these are dendrite snowflakes, there was one that landed and stuck that wasn't quite as fern like in its formation.
This looks pretty good to me - you've obviously got the hang of this.
January 12th, 2020  
I agree with Richard. I think you've got this technique perfect. When I did it most of my bubbles burst before they froze or froze for a few seconds then broke. I will have to google the exact mixture and try again.
January 12th, 2020  
that one is particularly awesome!
January 13th, 2020  
It is really impressive against black!
January 13th, 2020  
This is gorgeous! It looks like a Christmas ornament. Fav
February 10th, 2020  
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