The melting snow and ice, the recent rain filled up a local lake, and the results, a nice bubbly overflow, perfect for the week's theme. It's weird, but it seems so simple, like I hardly had to work at this one at all, but it is a theme shot. I guess they can't all be full of color. It was definitely a nice swift overflow.
Love it! I'm feeling very intimidated with all these wonderful bubble shots! And I'm learning it's not that easy capturing a simple bubble!! Great job!
I always wonder where those bubbles come from when i see them outdoors...I sometimes think maybe someone poured out their laundry soap just for the fun of it!
Lovely capture! I always wonder where all those bubbles come from. After our 60+ degree day, almost all of our snow is gone today. I'm sure more will be coming though!
Bubbles like this suggest some kind of pollutant in the water but from your comment I guess that is not the case here. It was certainly a good capture.
Hope it bubbles and doesnt flood!