What 'colour' is your project?

June 25th, 2012
I found myself looking through my project last night searching for a photo and I noticed whilst looking at the thumbnail view, that blue is the dominant colour throughout it. Thats not surprising as I live by the sea I suppose but I'm curious to see if other people have noticed this as well or if its just me. Does your project have a dominant colour? Here are a few of mine to highlight my point:

June 25th, 2012
Lovely shots Paul. Your dominant colour is definitely blue. I would have to say mine is probably blue/grey, but with pops of colour throughout.
June 25th, 2012
@stuckinoz Thanks Janelle. I'm still trying to figure out if my use of blue is a conscious choice or just a result of living where I do.. I had a look at your project and no one colour jumped out at me. Interesting.
June 25th, 2012
I think mine is a good mixture... although, funnily enough, this month seems to be more greyish/darker tones... wonder if that's related to it being winter here?
June 25th, 2012
i'd say mine revolves around 2 colours - black and white

you have a brilliant gallery

June 25th, 2012
awesome shots. i think mine is black
June 25th, 2012
Your water shots are so so amazing! I knew the answer to this question (good discussion btw) before I looked. It would have to be green.....I shoot so many nature pics...
June 25th, 2012
June 25th, 2012
June 25th, 2012
June 25th, 2012
I noticed a lot of blue too..living close by a lake where I take a lot of pictures

June 25th, 2012
@jonesp - your photos are stunning!
June 25th, 2012
@ozziehoffy Yeah, the weather definitely affects my colours as well Cassandra.

@ggg Thanks and yes, b&w is what I would say your project is.

@espyetta Thanks MaryBeth. I had a look at your project and yes, there is a lot of green. I think green would be my second colour. Not a discussion I had seen here before so thought it might be interesting.

@bruni Very nice photos. You have the lake, I have the saw with is determining the dominant colour.

@nicolecampbell Thanks Nicole. Much appreciated

@abhijit Thanks and yes, black is the word I would use for you project.
June 25th, 2012
@jonesp It was/is. Thanks for starting it...I'll check in and see what others post. And now I am following you and Abhijit....great to see some great photographs from someone I've not previously seen on here...I guess getting on during the day ( I am on summer break) is to thank.
June 25th, 2012
Mine is a random mix of colours... I can't actually pinpoint a particular colour! I'd say greens and blues feature a lot, but then so do warmer colours - reds and flesh tones, and then the occasional black and white shots thrown in... but if I had to make the call, I'd say bluey-green :)
June 25th, 2012
Like Theresa, I would have to say blues & greens feature a lot in my photos with a hint of warmer, golden tones.
June 25th, 2012
Mine is definitely along the sepia/gold/amber line. I love those warm tones and autumn colours.

June 25th, 2012
Erm, looking through now, it's pretty random, but orange/red seem to feature a lot:-

June 25th, 2012
@espyetta Thanks for the follow. Will be interesting to see what other people post.

@pocketmouse So your colour would be "eclectic" then Teresa? :-)
June 25th, 2012
Mine is green.
June 25th, 2012
I can't say that any one colour features more in my project either. I did do a week of greens last month and back in February did some mixed colour shots. Here are a few from February.

June 25th, 2012
@jgilker Looks like blue/green is in the lead at the minutes so :-)

@peadar Yeah, I've noticed you like strong, bright colours Peter.

@carmel Lovely shots Ariel.

@amandalomonaco Yeah, I'd agree Amanda.

@sewsharyn Interesting Shayrn, looking through your photos, the ones with a multitude of colours jump out.
June 25th, 2012
@jonesp Thanks :))
June 25th, 2012
I was just noticing this type of pattern in my photos. Last week, I shot the same vibrant pallate at several locations. In looking at my overall project, while it is quite diversified, I notice that rich reds, pinks, and purples are often featured in my photo choices:

June 25th, 2012
Mine is a very eclectic mix of colors - though many feature black as I take a lot of night shots.
June 25th, 2012
Mine is a random mix of colours :)
June 25th, 2012
Mine started off a bit mixed but leant towards the grey I think - blame the British weather. The last couple of months - especially June thumbnails - I've thought it's looking mostly green, but that's not surprising as I'm a country bumpkin so there's always green around!

June 25th, 2012
I think mine would be mostly blue:

June 25th, 2012
Interesting question! Mine is increasingly black and white. Maybe has something to do with the fact that I am always shooting a little late at night, after dinner and a long day of work. :)
June 25th, 2012
This is a cool thread. I've consciously tried not to repeat colors too often. I tell myself I don't want to get in a rut or stay "safe". I can see from your examples that tending toward certain colors can be brilliant :)
June 25th, 2012
I think mine show a lot of blues & greens...but again, like others, I live near the water, as well as forest & mountains, here in Washington state! Being surrounded by the beauty of nature means that it is most often the subject I am drawn to & attempting to capture on a daily basis.

June 25th, 2012
I enjoy looking through the "month" views of others' albums to see whether there are trends or not. I think my most common color is green, although my albums are pretty random. Here's some recent green since we have just transitioned from spring to full-on summer!

June 25th, 2012
great question Paul @jonesp and love your photos.
Mine is also Blue, though often different subject matter,

June 25th, 2012
As the year goes on, I find the colour draining from my project more and more. Black and white is taking a hold on me...
June 25th, 2012
Definitely green :))

June 25th, 2012
June 25th, 2012
@swguevin Lovely vibrant colours Sheila.

@michaelelliott @paulavdmerwe Another two for the mix of colours camp.

@roachling Very nice countryside shots. Lovely greens, at least all that rain is doing something eh?

@chelseap92 I agree Chelsea. Definitely blue.

@zeldacheung Shooting late at night might have something to so with it alright. :-)

@herussell I'm not sure my leaning towards blue was a conscious choice or not. Will be fun finding out now that I've noticed it.

@lauriez Looks like water and blue go together very well Laurie. Lovely shots.

@rockinrobyn Beautiful shots Robyn. Lovely greens.

@wardie Thanks Paul. Big fan of your work as well. And without a shadow of a doubt, I would say blue for you. In fact, more blue than me.

@beeblebear I tend to fall into days of b&w as well Kevin but never more than a few at a time. Interesting to hear that you are moving to b&w.

@tandem02 Definitely Kathrin!

@remirixjones I agree, looking at your thumbnails, no one colour stands out. Great colours in the example above.
June 25th, 2012
Mine is green...

June 25th, 2012
Colors are pretty evenly distributed throughout my project, with blue having a slight edge.

June 26th, 2012
Mine appears to lean toward Purples and Pinks...lots of flowers and sunsets. I must find new subject matter!!! Although...even my drag race smoke is pink/purple

June 26th, 2012
Didn't have time to share pics yesterday. Here's few of my black

June 26th, 2012
I was a bit premature posting my pic. Here's a better one to represent my project:
June 26th, 2012
I also live by the water, but my project so far is very decidedly gray and brown :p Well, brownish anyway - autumn colors I suppose (browns, golds, a splash of green...).

June 26th, 2012
Erm Help... I think i will have to go for multi coloured as there seems to be no singular colour that stands out.

June 26th, 2012
I just took a look through my thumbnails and find that the color of my projects is "multi!" NOT surprisingly to me, I found no color predominance or pattern at all... :)
June 26th, 2012
@gareauk1 Certainly is Kelly. Great greens!

@laynesgram Love the blue in the first photo.

@hopess13 Lovely photos Rachel. Still not sure how you got pink from a drag race!

@abhijit I see what you mean about black.

@ambermagen Interesting that living by the water does not necessarily mean blue.

@zshadowwalker Adrian, from other comments in this thread, it seems multicolor is quite normal.

@marilyn I had a look through your thumbnails Marilyn and no one colour jumped out at me either.
June 27th, 2012
mostly black and white these days :)
June 27th, 2012
Nope. No real dominant color. I'm all over the place! :-) The only thing I could kind of come up with was shadows? But even that.. not really.
June 27th, 2012
My colour scheme depends a lot on where I am, when in Bali there is lots of green:

June 27th, 2012
I do like blue as well:

Really fun thread - great idea Paul @jonesp :)
June 27th, 2012
I feel like the closest I can come is orange, although yellows and greens come close since I do a lot of nature shots. Great thread Paul @jonesp - really got me thinking!

June 27th, 2012
@lyno ~ Lyn, I love your oranges!

Lately, I've been digging my daughter's Yellow boots:

June 27th, 2012
Blue and green mostly. :)
June 28th, 2012

Sepia - I have a bit of a thing at the moment about processing to a Sepia colour!
June 28th, 2012
Looks like it's earth tones, green and b/w for me:
June 28th, 2012
June 28th, 2012
June 29th, 2012
Probably pinks and greens dominate for me

June 30th, 2012
I have a variety but I saw a little bit of a pattern in the yellows.....

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