Your Top-Rated Photo

October 19th, 2011
I was thinking yesterday that one cool benefit to Ace membership is being able to see the stats on your shots, and which ones are your top-rated photos. I'm surprised by the order of them, because there doesn't seem to be a lot of rhyme or reason to it, but I'm sure there must be some mysterious mathematical formula that I don't understand.
Anyways, I thought it would be cool if you could also see other Ace members top-rated photos when you clicked on their profile, but then I was like, "well, I guess I could just ask them....."
So, what's your top-rated photo? Non-Ace members can just post their most viewed or most fav'd:)
Here's mine, which I'm surprised by, because it has less comments, views and fav's then some of my other shots that are in the top 10. But I like it anyways:)
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
Top 5 on this one!

October 19th, 2011

It actually is my top viewed, top rated, top commented, top fav'd.
October 19th, 2011
138 views, 32 comments, 14 faves. Not the most views, not the most comments, but the most faves by two.

October 19th, 2011
this one is my top rated:

but this one has way more views. The ratio of views to faves is less than the one above though, so I bet that's why it's not #1, but #2 instead.

October 19th, 2011
You know it would have been nice if you could have maybe posted a little how to explanation here. Top Rated? Where?
October 19th, 2011
@mej2011 lol - forgot you were new at the whole Ace thing. If you go on your news feed and click the right facing arrow (beside stats) at the top, it will bring up all your stats. Scroll down a bit and it will tell you your top ten photos.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@mej2011 scroll down past the last 24 hours section and you'll find it.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
How in the world can you forget that I just Aced up? How rude, really. lol. Okay, so apparently my top rated is this.

I'm very disappointed that it isn't the infamous Ham bone.
October 19th, 2011
@mej2011 Is Hambone at least in the Top 10?
October 19th, 2011
Funny as there are 6 other pics in my top ten with more favs
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
My only one on the top far, maybe?

October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
Great thread here!!! Though I have a stupid question, this is #2 and it has more comments, views, and fav's than my photo in the #1 spot? Not sure I am reading the stats right... anyway, this one has the most comments, views, and fav's.

October 19th, 2011
@scooter mine's the same. I don't know why my number one is my number one, but there it is!
October 19th, 2011
NO! :(
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis Ok then, here is my #1 ... LOL

October 19th, 2011
This has been my top rated ever since the week it was's the only one of my photos to ever make the popular page.

October 19th, 2011
#1 with most comments, views and fav's. I wonder why yours is different!
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011

I wonder what my lowest rated photo is?
October 19th, 2011
This is my top rated, but it only got one more fave than the one below it which has a lot more views and comments.

October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
Here's mine ... and to think I almost didn't post it!

October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011

414 views and 53 fav's and I had to be coaxed in to posting it.
October 19th, 2011
@bdb3471 I remember seeing that one. Love it!!
October 19th, 2011
Ok, mine is weird too!!!

My #1 121 views, 56 comments, 9 favs

My #2 271 views, 63 comments, 14 favs - This one has more of all three!
October 19th, 2011
I have never really paid attention to the overall stats, but I agree with you all.....they aren't what I expected. This was my #1 photo. The shot that I thought would be #1 was actually #3. Very interesting topic!
October 19th, 2011
Glad to hear others have the same problem, I like this photo but it has less favs...etc. It is not my fav, but I love the butterfly/fairy, so its OK
October 19th, 2011

Just recently got my top spot
October 19th, 2011
This isn;t my favorite...but is the top rated according to the stats.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
Well aint that funny. According to my stats my top rated photo is from yesterday! 27 views, 8 comments and 1 fav (and I'm not just looking at the last 7 days!). It must be a ratio thing.. and the fact that I actually got a fav!
October 19th, 2011
I was so surprised and honored to have a photo in the weekly Top 20.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@kiwichick was that your all time top-rated? Or just the last 24 hours? Cause it does seem odd that it would make the top spot so quickly!
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis I know! It was my all time top rated according to my stats. Number 2 was a recent one as well with 77 views, 19 comments and a fav.

Number 5 went back to feb with 103 views, 11 comments and 1 fav
October 19th, 2011
This is my most Favd but not most viewed:
October 19th, 2011
472 views/27 favs....the sentimental nature of it got it a lot of views/ is not a great photo, but I do love it. And it is a nice memory of my mom and the day my niece and I did this. It was my first "Dear Photo" and hope to do some more.

October 19th, 2011
149 views 20 fav's 38 comments
October 19th, 2011
@slang I heart that shot:)
October 19th, 2011
Surprising... I don't quite know when this one snuck into 1st place for me.

400 views, 66 comments, 30 favs

October 19th, 2011
this is mine. guess there is a lot of interest in this
October 19th, 2011
@slang i love yours! i had to fav it too!
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis You just made me smile :) Thanks. You seriously don't have others that are higher in your album? I was just cruising through some of my fav's of others this morning and I have a bunch of yours that are stunning. This numbers thing doesn't quite jive.....great idea for a thread, though!
October 19th, 2011
@slang no, I thought that was weird that this was number one, because a couple have way more views, comments and fav's. I don't understand the criteria!
October 19th, 2011
My photo with the most views isn't even on my top ten list. It's had the most views because it made the top five in the "Remembrances" themes, so got lots of views.
October 19th, 2011
@webfoot yeah, it's kind of a mystery to me.....
October 19th, 2011
This is my top rated one, it doesn't have either the most views or the most favs
October 19th, 2011
I'm not an Ace Member but this is my most fav'd photo with 34 faves. LOL! It still makes me laugh that out of all my photos the Cookie Monster takes the cake...actually the cookie! :)

October 19th, 2011

Views: 276
Faves: 15
October 19th, 2011
Here's mine. Interesting because I didn't particularly rate it myself!!!!!!

October 19th, 2011
I can't figure out the formula for "top rated" but this is mine... and I have to admit that, though I don't think it is my best shot, it did take lots of work and I love it. :)

October 19th, 2011

This is what it said was my top rated photo.
October 19th, 2011
I was so surprised by this one.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
281 views and 5 faves
October 19th, 2011
Not most viewed or faved, but I liked this one a lot

October 19th, 2011
I was pleased with this when I took it, but now it seems unoriginal and i'm bored with it. i've definitely decided that i'm more of a people photographer than a nature photog....but, with a measly 154 views/9 comments/2favs......
October 19th, 2011
48 views - My Boobiethon picture
October 19th, 2011

Fun to see all these great pics again!
October 19th, 2011
This is my top rated shot - which is weird because the one below that has more views, more comments and more faves!

49 faves, 355 views

56 faves, 504 views
ah the strange way the stats of this site works. SOme great shots here peeps xx
October 19th, 2011
Mine is The Look

October 19th, 2011
This is mine. i kind of wished i had come up with a better title if i had known lots of people would be viewing it!
October 19th, 2011
not an ace member, but this one is special to me.

914 views | 70 favs
October 19th, 2011
Supposedly top one:
392 views, 19 favs and a really old shot, too ;)

And then this (439 views, 43 favs) isn't even on the top ten list... Go figure ;)!
October 19th, 2011
Top on my stats list -

October 19th, 2011
This one. 1147 views, 108 faves.

October 19th, 2011
I'll be entering this shot in my camera club's macro challenge this month. I'm curious to see if it will be as warmly received as it was here.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
I think this is mine. not an Ace member yet.

October 19th, 2011

October 19th, 2011
This was my first shot to get to the Popular Page which was a total shock and a lovely surprise two weeks into the second year of my 365!!!

October 19th, 2011
This appears to be mine

October 19th, 2011
This is my one
October 19th, 2011
this is my top rated, and i still giggle every time i look at him hehe ;-))

October 19th, 2011
134 views, 50 comments, 11 favs and it is one of my own personal favourites.

October 19th, 2011
@taidster - he is just gorgeous!
October 19th, 2011
@nicolecampbell thanks nicole :) its been my top rated since i uploaded it, nothing else comes close hehe.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011

Changes between this and my snail one often
October 19th, 2011
Top on my stats list -

I have another with more views, comments and favs but I think this comes top because of how quickly they happened in comparison.
October 19th, 2011
It's this one at the moment:

October 19th, 2011
Wow, amazing photos, everyone!

Here is the #1 of my top 10. Not the most viewed and commented but got the most faves (269 views, 74 comments, 47 faves)

October 19th, 2011
Surprisingly this one.

October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
Dali's Dark Disney has held the top spot for quite a while now and has 719 views, 98 comments and 57 favs. I suspect it will be the first one to crack 1000 views!

October 19th, 2011
here is mine- viewed 93 times!!!
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
This is #1 and goes back to February -

This one has more fav's, but less views so it is #4

October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@loztsoul oooh that's beautiful!
October 19th, 2011
My top rated photos kind of surprise me too. This is my number one (and has been for months now).
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis thank you! one of my photo's I am extremely proud of :)
October 19th, 2011
this one has the most favs -

but this one has more comments, and it's my fav out of the two as well :)
October 19th, 2011
Not Ace, so I have no official stats, but...

This one has the most views: 173 (12 Fav)

And this one has the most Fav's: 13 (139 views)
October 19th, 2011

This shot put me on cloud 9! 124 views, 6 favs, made the tag challenge top 5 and was on the popular page for 3 days. Funny thing, when I took it, I didn't think it would really come out looking this good!
October 19th, 2011

This view stunned me for a few weeks on the way to work, and people here seem to like it too!
October 19th, 2011
604 views! I can only assume people were overcome by our beauty! :-)
October 19th, 2011

This one, and it's not even from my main album!
October 19th, 2011
@lorihiro I know was immediately overcome by your beauty upon viewing this vision of loveliness
October 19th, 2011
This one.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@pwallis This is my most faved and viewed shot. It was for the theme Wheels, and I flipped my bike over and on a tripod and got this shot.It really was a 10 second shot and I was very surprised it did so well, it was in the top 5. I have spent hours on some shots and gotten only a few comments. go figure.
October 19th, 2011
i think this one:
October 19th, 2011
This one has 300 views with 14 favs - one of my earlier shots in 365. I really love this shot!
October 19th, 2011
this may be the best thread i've seen on here in awhile... so many of these shots are amazing!
October 19th, 2011
I guess I don't understand the process, either. This was my "Top Rated" even though it didn't have the most views, comments or favs. I like it a lot, maybe that's it :)

October 19th, 2011
My number 1...hmm:

And my number 2, for good measure:

October 19th, 2011
This made it into the top 20 and has remained my number 1 ever since

October 19th, 2011
My highest rated photo to date. Should have titled this one "Save Time in a Bottle".
The woman is my great-grandmother.
October 19th, 2011
October 19th, 2011
@psychographer that's because it's AMAZING!
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
If I were just going by the individual stats, I'd say this pic is 6 or 7 but they tell me it's #1:
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011

my most viewed photo
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
according to my stats this is my top rated photo

277 views, 74 comments, 31 favs

I was blown away by the reception I got for this photo! I didn't think it would be a popular photo
October 20th, 2011
This thread motivated me to finally become an ace member :)
Top rated thus far....

October 20th, 2011
This one is in the number one spot in my stats though it isn't my most viewed. It is one of my favorites.
October 20th, 2011

This one has the most views, though not the most fav's. Not sure why. I guess it paid off to hang out on my deck, getting pelted with sleet.
October 20th, 2011
This has the most views...
October 20th, 2011
@noaceyet yay for Ace membership!
October 20th, 2011
@noaceyet and I love your turtle:)
October 20th, 2011
Great idea!

October 20th, 2011
curious.. this one has the most views

this one has the most fav's

and this is the most neglected lol
With a mere 10 views.
October 20th, 2011
This one is nr one in both views and favs.
October 20th, 2011
This is mine, it hasn't had the most views but it has had the most favs
(My most viewed photo is 3rd on my list)

October 20th, 2011
A little depressing, but it's actually still from March. Ages ago. :P
October 20th, 2011
Here's my most viewed photo:

October 20th, 2011
This is the one with the most veiws :) 126

And this is the Most Fav'd are both Fav'd 2 Times :)


October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011
great thread! this is mine
October 20th, 2011
October 20th, 2011

My top rated according to stats . From August , no thought put into it - Mmm birds , kinda surprised me considering the recent "most hated thread :-)
October 20th, 2011
There are some really 'wow' shots in this thread - not surprising I suppose as it's pretty much people's best shots. @jannaellen was that fab theatre shot in your 'Extra' album - they don't seem to feature as highly as main album shots?

This is my top rated...

But this has more Views, comments and faves (but it's older...)
October 20th, 2011
Couldn't get enough frog photos this season. Got cold the last couple of days so they are probably gone. :(

October 20th, 2011
My top rated photo and I, too, have others that have received more views, comments and FAVes
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
Listed as "top rated" is my dew on grass from last month
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
Here are my top two rated photos. I really love all of the colors in my second rated shot, so I wanted to post that one, too. :)

October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
This is my top-rated photo... which I do not understand because I feel it is too plain and simple.

October 21st, 2011

This photo went on to be published in a literary arts magazine :)
October 21st, 2011
Wow - I'm enjoying all the massive talent on this thread!!
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
@pwallis Thanks!! Great idea, Paula! I never checked my top rated photo and was surprised to find out it's my "working hands".
October 21st, 2011
I think this poor egg is the one which has been faved the most (19 times!):

October 21st, 2011
This is far-and-away my most viewed picture...

Whilst this is my most faved....

October 21st, 2011
My most viewed.
October 21st, 2011

My most viewed:)
October 21st, 2011
My top rated, but was not my most viewed??!!!
October 21st, 2011
@pwallis Great idea for a discussion Paula. Lots of awesome work here! My top viewed pic is this one with 735 views and 45 faves! I hadn't checked my stats in a long time, and it was fun to see. Carved this one for the fruit theme, obviously had way too much time on my hands that week.

October 21st, 2011
@pixelchix lol - this shot's pretty awesome.
October 21st, 2011
This, it's one of my favorites i've taken thus far too dispite being so simple.

October 21st, 2011
Cool idea! Here is mine. I had no idea!
October 21st, 2011
but that kind of makes no sense. According to views and fav's this photo has way more than the top one, but is rated #2... something is off there
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
I have two; this one has less views etc, but is rated as number one:

Whereas this one has tons more views, comments and faves, but sticks at number 2!

The only thing I can think of is on the latter one the views are spread over a longer period of time; maybe that has some influence on the magic monkeys?
October 21st, 2011
This is my top shot - and I'm inclined to agree!

October 21st, 2011

And I am not surprised... this one got a lot of attention everywhere, actually. It was featured in a social workers magazine.... with credit ;) I wish I hadn't uploaded the one with the giant logo on it, but I just uploaded the one I gave to my client...
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011
October 21st, 2011

This one was viewed 554 times and fav'd 33 times! I totally wasn't expecting that kind of response! :)
October 21st, 2011

This one is my top rated photo:)
October 21st, 2011

Took this quite early on in my project.
October 21st, 2011

This is the top rated one...not my favourite by any means though :)
October 21st, 2011
This one has been my top rated one for about four months now:

October 21st, 2011
My most viewed......

October 21st, 2011
and my most Fav'd

October 22nd, 2011
Top rated:

October 22nd, 2011

This is my top rated.
October 22nd, 2011
This discussion is very informative but it keeps getting buried in the back of the lists- today, it's on Page 6 of Latest Discussions- anything we can do to correct that and get more responses? @pwallis
October 22nd, 2011
@pamelaf it was on the top yesterday and in 2nd place the day before. But yeah, I'm really enjoying the responses and would love to see more too. Not sure how to bring it to the forefront again!
October 22nd, 2011
@pwallis I saw it there first but later in the day, I wanted to go back and look and found it several pages back. I'd like to see more people's responses but they won't see the thread if it's not on the "Latest Discussions" page.
My friend D Marie Williams More has some answers about why the ones that are top-rated are chosen- it has to do with algorithms! I hope she'll post here soon- now that I found the thread for her.
October 23rd, 2011
@pwallis I think it has to do with the number of followers compared to the number of views. When @pamelaf and I posted our now top rated photos they got on the popular page and got a lot of views. We each had 4 or 5 followers at the time. I now have a photo with more views, more comments, and more favs, and it is ranked #3.

October 23rd, 2011
@pamelaf @dmariewms That makes sense, because this one had far more comments and fav's, but I had less followers then.
October 24th, 2011
Now we have to figure out why this discussion is so far back in the Latest list when it was only started on October 18th. @pwallis @dmariewms
Anyone know how to ask Ross?
October 24th, 2011
It's on Page 8!!
October 24th, 2011
Another thread that gave me new information is this one:
Didn't notice the flashback button until this thread!
October 27th, 2011

This one has the most comments and views, but 7 less favs than another shot. This is one of MY favs from my project, so I'm ok with it being number one.
October 27th, 2011
@pwallis Also, threads get bumped to the top when somebody comments on them, just fyi.
February 20th, 2012
February 20th, 2012
This one had the most comments, views and faves. It surprised me 'cos it was the quickest photo I ever took!

February 20th, 2012
My second day. And I almost didn't post it.

February 20th, 2012
February 20th, 2012
Most viewed & fav'd, made it on the pp for a little while
March 22nd, 2012
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