This kea came to visit us at the Luxmore hut in the morning. They are cheeky, friendly birds. They are New Zealand's only parrot and probably the only truly alpine parrot in the world. They are a lovely olive green colour, yet under their wings is bright orange coppery colour. I posted this photo of the kea because I was intrigued with his bright blue tongue.
@maggiemae I didn't know about the blue tongue either. Maybe it was just my photo!! Or maybe he was holding something in his beak? Probably something he had stolen!!! Maybe I had better google it to find out!
@dide Haha they are very quick to rip things apart. We had to hang our boots up high so they wouldn't shred them. @yorkshirekiwi@eudora - thanks so much.
@dkbarnett many years ago when walking the Milford track with my mum, I couldn't understand why the pilot of a light plane put it under the sprinklers. Turns out it stopped the kea ripping of the rubber around the windscreen!
@yorkshirekiwi @eudora - thanks so much.