Back home again - although only for one night! I was so happy to see this little puppy. We got her on 11th of January and I was only home for a few days after that. Ever since she has been baby sat at home. I was delighted that she seemed to recognise me (covered me with kisses anyway) - and wanted to stay by me the whole time I was there.
@jodies@moonmtn thank you @delwynforsythe She is a french bulldog. It was too soon for me to get another puppy (lost one last year when she was run over), but my kids were so keen. They did some research and decided the personality of the french bulldog would suit our family!! (more so than the yorkshire terriers I have previously had). I must say she is a sheer delight. Very good natured and affectionate.
@delwynforsythe She is a french bulldog. It was too soon for me to get another puppy (lost one last year when she was run over), but my kids were so keen. They did some research and decided the personality of the french bulldog would suit our family!! (more so than the yorkshire terriers I have previously had). I must say she is a sheer delight. Very good natured and affectionate.