25th December 2023 by emmadurnford

25th December 2023

Happy Christmas everyone!

Sadly no snow this morning (not that it was expected). We opened our presents first thing and we had a great spread including a gift sent all the way from Australia - a musical box that used to be owned by Colin’s eternal grandmother who he only discovered about via his new found cousin Tess. Earring for me in blue.

We gave each other some lovely presents - I got perfume, vouchers, books and jewellery and I got the award for the biggest parcel ever with a mini greenhouse for Colin - wrapped with a massive bow.

Later in the day Chris and Monika came over for lunch of smoked salmon and then the main event. Roast dinner with literally all the trimmings including a turkey crown but the best - venison that we bought a few days ago from a farm in Sussex along with home grown blackberry sauce. The table ran out of space and we needed an auxiliary table for the vegetables. All washed down with a good red wine and finishing up with a lit Christmas pudding. We were stuffed but managed to find energy for a few board games later on - a very nice day.
Such a lovely shot. Are you catching up on pics from last year?
June 5th, 2024  
@busylady Hi there - yes - I'm really bad! I take a pic each day and write a few words as a reminder but sometimes don't get around to writing for weeks (or months!). I'm now totally up to date having blogged our Germany trip last month. I'm using the 365 more as a diary now but with occasional halfway decent pics if I am away!!
June 6th, 2024  
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