This was taken in front of the Korean Cultural Center at Leipzigplatz, after a screening of the film, "Himalaya," a film which made me think of "a sense of place." By that, I am considering how place impacts the people who live there and how they live their lives. Walking outside at 9:30 at night, I saw this piece of the wall, and a line showing where the wall had once stood.
Oh, my, goodness. This is a stunning capture, and yes, a sense of place--making me think deep late at night. A good thing. Oh, so many ways to look at this. The colors and the smooth stones, and the cement structure....oh. I just love this. Thanks for making my night before I head in!!!
Very cool to see this. The only time I was there, the wall was just being torn down, mostly by the citizens that summer when it figuratively 'came down.' It's wonderful to see the images that make it a memory and what looks like a park.