Remember this shot - ? I finally found a long enough pole for it, repainted all the pieces, put it back together, sprayed some WD40 on the turning parts, and got it up! It stands about six feet tall and catches the wind nicely.
Listening to the local weather people can be confusing at times when they talk about the winds being "out of" vs. "coming from"... My little rooster will always point into the winds, so I know it's coming out of the north east in this image.
@corinnec Thank you, Corinne.
@wakelys Thank you, Susan.
@dkellogg Thank you, David!
@rensala Thank you, Renee.
@phil_howcroft Thank you, Phil.
@joansmor Thank you, Joan.
@fbailey Thank you very much!
@pattyblue Thank you very much, Pat!
@danette Thanks, Danette! I'd love to. =)
@rhoing Thanks, Thom!
@Dawn Thanks, Dawn.
@bkbinthecity Thanks, BKB!
@ludwigsdiana Thank you, Diana!
@wh2021 Thank you. LOL! Yes, it does.
@sangwann Thank you, Dione!
@pusspup Thank you, Wylie!
@pamalama Thank you, Pam!
@kwind Thank you!
@mittens Thank you, Marilyn.
@craftymeg Thank you, Margaret.