Very dry rye... by marlboromaam

Very dry rye...

Shot in monochrome mode. We're in drought status. Very little rain for the month of June. The grass is brown and crackles under your feet. The plants in pots wilt in the high temps. I have to water them every day right now. We really need a couple of days of good rain.
This rye stalk looks fabulous in bw! Hope some rain comes knocking soon.
July 3rd, 2024  
Great close up!
July 3rd, 2024  
Nicely captured.
July 3rd, 2024  
Great b&w capture.
July 3rd, 2024  
This is very pretty and works well in B&W.
July 3rd, 2024  
@cocokinetic Thank you, Karen.

@frodob Thank you, Mark.

@wakelys Thank you, Susan.

@wh2021 Thank you.

@mittens Thank you very much, Marilyn.
July 3rd, 2024  
Brilliant - very artistic
July 3rd, 2024  
@rensala Thank you so much, Renee.
July 3rd, 2024  
Fabulous close up and detail I love the contrasts.
July 3rd, 2024  
@ludwigsdiana Thank you, Diana.
July 3rd, 2024  
Great shapes and lighting
July 3rd, 2024  
@robz Thank you so much, Rob.
July 3rd, 2024  
Terrific POV and lovely tones. Fingers crossed you get some rain soon. We've had lots - maybe we can share!
July 3rd, 2024  
@ljmanning That would be nice! Thank you, Laura.
July 4th, 2024  
Fantastic shot! This is fascinating
July 4th, 2024  
This is really, really cool, Mags!
July 4th, 2024  
@corinnec Thank you so much, Corinne.

@rhoing Thank you, Thom!
July 4th, 2024  
We had a half a years rain fall in June, I wish I could send you some
July 4th, 2024  
Beautiful shot and details. We also have drought and many fires.
July 4th, 2024  
@kjarn That would be nice, Kathy. I just hope we don't get any bad hurricanes this year.

@haskar Thank you so much, Haskar. No fires that I know of here yet, but there's a burn ban during this drought around here.
July 4th, 2024  
Great b&w capture.
July 6th, 2024  
@vesna0210 Thank you, Vesna.
July 6th, 2024  
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