Having to be creative about finding shots without walking much - I'm now the little old lady who drives 20mph hunting out the window:) Saw these in an overgrown area by the railroad tracks. Parked the car and walked back about 25 yards and kneeled down. Done
Sorry to hear about your PF. I have had it for several years. One doctor told me the main cause is tight calves (and high arches, which I have), and to stretch my calves many times during the day. I had custom orthotics made, but prefer the Powerstep inserts you can buy. When I get a painful flair up I like to get a bag of frozen peas and set my bare feet on them for 20 minutes at a time when I am on the computer. In my experience, PF comes and goes. My first outbreak was the worst, but it flares up from time to time still, so I am super careful. I think you will get some relief soon and be walking again. Never go barefoot. Some people have found relief with this brand if you need house shoes or sandals, esp. if you have high arches https://telic.com/
@annepann Thanks for the good thoughts. Have been doing the stretches religiously since I left the doctor's office and they do help for a while. Someone also suggested their doctor had said using a frozen bottle of water to roll your foot over while sitting (been doing that while I use the computer) Will look into those sandals. I'm trying everything I read!