The day began with rain, moved into a cloudy gray afternoon that brought about 20 seconds of hail, and then ended with sunshine. This was captured during the rainy portion of the day- a shadow of a chair cast by a lamp onto the floor.
Thank you Lou Ann, Amy, Wendy, Taffy, Dorre, Stephanie, Dione, Casablanca, Brian, Catherine, Marilyn, and Haskar! I am enjoying this shadow series and find myself looking forward to where I'm going to discover the next one.
@louannwarren @amyk @wendyfrost @taffy @edorreandresen @dustyloup @sangwann @casablanca @bkbinthecity @cmp @mittens @haskar
Thank you Lou Ann, Amy, Wendy, Taffy, Dorre, Stephanie, Dione, Casablanca, Brian, Catherine, Marilyn, and Haskar! I am enjoying this shadow series and find myself looking forward to where I'm going to discover the next one.