City Reflections by onewing

City Reflections

I just loved the reflections on the buildings.

This shot was taken from the Skytower. We had a fabulous view across Auckland.

Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's collage and the skyjumpers.

I think there were a couple of brave 365ers who would love to jump from the tower, but not for me. My limit was to stand on the glass floor and look down and then return back to ground level in the lift.
A great pov of Auckland ...
February 18th, 2016  
This cityscape is great
February 18th, 2016  
Those reflections look great, nice subtle tones.
February 18th, 2016  
I spent 3 days during Christmas in Auckland and I kept thinking that I was in Sydney. A very different city comparing with the rest of NZ.
February 18th, 2016  
I guess that would have been a 'protected' jump?! You are braver than me - the glass floor would defeat me. Great shot!
February 18th, 2016  
Fantastic light, reflections and point of view Babs, Fav, heights hold no fear for me its hitting the ground hard that does the damage as I found to my cost last November, broken bones and sum internals, lol:)
February 18th, 2016  
Great pov of this fantastic city scape -- great reflections , colour and shapes !
February 18th, 2016  
The reflections are fabulous Babs :)
February 18th, 2016  
They are great reflective buildings. Makes for an interesting view.
February 18th, 2016  
Thos reflections in the glass ate amazimg Babs. Great shot
February 18th, 2016  
Wonderful POV Babs. Glass floors are fun. Great to watch the people who don't quite put their feet on!
February 18th, 2016  
February 18th, 2016  
brilliant pov, fabulous shot
February 18th, 2016  
Love the reflections.
February 18th, 2016  
I even had trouble standing on that glass floor, much to my nephew's amusement.
February 18th, 2016  
Great city shot and I love your pov.
February 18th, 2016  
Great shot, pov
February 18th, 2016  
Stunning result from your angle and the way the golden building pops amongst the blueish ones.
February 18th, 2016  
I love being up tall towers, you see everything from a totally new angle. Great shot showing the different heights of the buildings.
February 18th, 2016  
Wonderful capture and a great reflective view. FAV
February 18th, 2016  
Fabulous pov and reflections, loads of detail
February 18th, 2016  
@julzmaioro @princessm @paulaw @beryl @hermann @bella_ss @deborah63 @mv_wolfie @shazzym @merrelyn @mittens @seattlite @taffy @shirleybankfarm @ladymagpie @craftymeg Thanks everyone. I had to zoom quite a lot to capture the reflections of the buildings as we were so high up. It was lovely to have such a great view of Auckland from the skytower.
February 18th, 2016  
@yaorenliu I know what you mean. Auckland was so busy after all the other places we visited.
February 18th, 2016  
Wonderful reflections, and love the variations of colours in the scene. A great view.
February 18th, 2016  
@quietpurplehaze If you click on the link you will be able to see the sky walk and the sky jump. Scary stuff.
February 18th, 2016  
@pcoulson Thanks Peter. As you say heights aren't a problem, it is falling that causes the trouble. Hope you are recovered now.
February 18th, 2016  
@thistle Ha ha, I agree, some people even gave the glass floor a very wide berth.
February 18th, 2016  
@chimfa The glass floor is a lot tamer in the Skytower in comparison to The Edge at the Eureka Skydeck in Melbourne. Deb and I went out on that one, but David gave it a miss. ha ha.
February 18th, 2016  
@chrysanthemum Thanks Christina. I used a lot of zoom for this photo because I wanted to focus on the reflections.
February 18th, 2016  
Wonderful pov and reflections.
February 19th, 2016  
Wonderful sight Babs.
February 19th, 2016  
Wonderful view! Great capture! I couldn't step onto the glass floor! What a wuss I am! Lol! Fav!
February 19th, 2016  
@golftragic Thanks Marnie. It was lovely to look out over Auckland. I had to zoom for this photo because I wanted to show the reflections on the buildings.
February 19th, 2016  
@pamknowler Don't worry about being a wuss Pam we have to have some sane people in the world :)
February 19th, 2016  
Great shot
February 19th, 2016  
@onewing Thanks Babs booked in for surgery 23rd of March hopefully will be 100% 6 weeks later, coincidentally the week we fly to Spain on holiday:)
February 19th, 2016  
Love the reflections. Big cities can be really photogenic.
February 20th, 2016  
@onewing Yeah, I know what you mean, I took a bunch of shots from there. Fab views.
February 21st, 2016  
That is a great city shot! I really like that.
February 26th, 2016  
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