David was admiring this black boy plant, or for the more politically correct people among us, a xanthorrhoea.
Xanthorrhoea's grow about an inch or 2.5 cm every year so this one is probably over 150 years old. His little great great grandson beside him is just a youngster. They thrive during bushfires and I am sure this black boy has encountered many bushfires during its lifetime.
It is only after posting this photo that I can see the black boy looking back at David too. Can you see the profile of a face and his amazing headdress?
Wow, that tree looks exactly like a young black African boy! Amazing. I love the way the bush revives and grows stronger after a fire. Nature's weedkiller and fertiliser in one.
I definitely see black boy looking back at Davif. I hope you will visit again when the forest area has recovered and post pictures. I am amazed these trees can survive the fires.
They do look as though they are having a conversation don't they. I think the black boy is saying 'good heavens that was a wild fire'
@sangwann They don't have leaves Dione, they look exactly like this when they grow back just with grass growing out of the top.