Where are we? by pusspup

Where are we?

I find it quite helpful to snap shots of signs to remind me where other photos were taken.
This sign reminds me that we were in the middle of the outback!
Many thanks to you all for all the comments and favs on our latest travel photos, they’rej appreciated. Despite your positive enthusiasm I seem to have lost the knack of sharing the popular page. This seems to go off track sometimes and I guess this is one of those times! Sigh
I do the same thing re road signs :)
July 12th, 2024  
Good idea. I always do that so that I could track the images I take.
July 12th, 2024  
I take photos of road signs too to remind me where I took photos.

I think photos appearing on the PP demands on what time of day you post your photos because I have had that happen to me. Yesterday's photo will still make the TT though I am sure.
July 12th, 2024  
@onewing thanks for the positive thoughts Babs!
July 12th, 2024  
Great idea and capture.
July 12th, 2024  
My first thought without reading the narrative was that you were in the middle of nowhere.
July 12th, 2024  
What a trip you’re having! Good way to remember.
July 12th, 2024  
Always good to remember where you were.
July 12th, 2024  
Well captured. Good idea!
July 12th, 2024  
Good idea!
July 12th, 2024  
@pusspup just read my comment again and 'demands' should have read 'depends'. Predictive text on my tablet had a mind of its own. I have seen photos with 3 favs on the PP and some with 25 only making the TP. It must be determined by the time of day the picture is posted but what that time is I have no idea
July 12th, 2024  
@pusspup Just noticed something else too you posted this picture today 11th July but because it is dated the 5th and no other photo was posted on that day that is the day it has appeared on. That will make a difference to the statistics. You could change the date to the 11th manually even though the photo was taken earlier but there would be gaps in your calendar
July 12th, 2024  
@onewing ok, maybe it’s important to be current day, whereas I’m still struggling to keep up and trying to post them on the day they were shot. Good theory!
July 12th, 2024  
July 12th, 2024  
I do the same thing
July 12th, 2024  
Great idea!
July 12th, 2024  
I do the same sometimes.
July 12th, 2024  
I like to do things like that, too. Cool shot.
July 12th, 2024  
Neat capture
July 12th, 2024  
Nice shot
July 12th, 2024  
Good idea
July 12th, 2024  
Good idea
July 12th, 2024  
Nice capture
July 12th, 2024  
Good thinking
July 12th, 2024  
Such a good idea!
July 12th, 2024  
Good idea especially for a road trip.
July 12th, 2024  
Lol - a long way to go. I wondered if maybe you'd keep going the long, long way home.
July 12th, 2024  
@robz sadly we had time imperatives to meet!
July 12th, 2024  
so far to go, wherever you go
July 13th, 2024  
I have no idea how things get on the PP or when they run the stats to put images on there- sometimes my pics go up for a short time and sometimes they stay on longer, but mine never last there. I take pictures of signs and plaques all the time!
July 13th, 2024  
Nice capture. Good to have a reference.
July 13th, 2024  
Cool. I do things like that too!
July 13th, 2024  
July 13th, 2024  
Hi again Wylie. I just read the bottom part of your narrative.
The whole Popular Page and Trending Page thing seems to be a bit of a mystery. It would be interesting to see the algorithms used to choose what goes where - if anywhere..
It seems that something like this with 33 comments and 3 favs should appear on one of them. I find virtually none of my images make it to the PP but quite a lot do make it to the TP. Certainly with fewer than 33 comments.
I don't think the date on the image can be a criteria as most of my images have no date at all.
I do, however, think the time of day you post might make a difference. I used to post at night and hardly ever had anything appear on either page. Then it became more convenient to post in the early morning and there was quite a difference.
All quite interesting, but a bit disappointing for you in this case. Cheers Rob
July 13th, 2024  
I take photos of road signs too but mine are never as wonderful as this one.

I also think that the time of day that you post your photo has a lot to do with it getting the right number of views and favs in order to get on the tp or pp but apart from that I have no idea as it usually makes no sense to me.
July 13th, 2024  
I regularly take photos of signs for the same reason. I have found that if I'm playing catch up, photos often make trending but not popular. I just assumed that it had something do with the fact that they were older photos.
July 13th, 2024  
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