This is the station where I transfer between the Blue and the Red lines. In color, the tiles in this one are blue for the line. I noticed I seem to have a B&W week going in my extras album, so decided to continue for a bit for practice -- thus converted this to emphasize the structural elements at the station. I usually make the subway look quite ominous so thought I'd cut it some slack today. Maybe later I'll try to make it look pretty for a real challenge!
love the ceiling! this is reminiscent of the leading lines in your recent cathedral photo. no shortage of fantastic locations in Chicago! Is that a mirror in the front right pillar? It caught my eye.
@jankoos Funny, I just responded to Pam and Shepherdsmanwife who asked the same question. I do try to use a tripod as my hands aren't that steady. But when I don't have it with me or it wouldn't work (like in the subway station) as photography is not really allowed, I just steady my feet as best I can, and use my camera against my forehead as a brace. I set the camera to continuous shooting (for 3 shots) and turn on the bracketing function. Take a deep breath and press the release and don't breath out til all three are done. I usually will take three sets in hope one of the three will be steady enough to be able to be combined. It's a little bit of luck!