Popped into Endless Gifts as knew I'd find something for a 65 year old bloke.
Martina was chatting to a lady, who I later found out often pops in just for a chat, is visually impaired and in her late 90s. Martina told me she helps her, and other visually impaired customers, to wrap Christmas gifts. She charges a chat, coffee and a mince pie!!
Martina is originally from Vienna, and worked in London for international firms as a buyer and seller and a PA. During her three months' notice period, she packed up her belongings to go home to Austria. But, on meeting an Englishman in a London pub ( a rarity in itself, she said) had to unpack her boxes!!
They married, had children and she opened her beautiful shop 8 years ago. Martina was so happy to pose outside her shop for me.
What a fabulous story! And I love that this is a space for visually impaired just as I love hearing stories about hearing impaired people like me. Way to go, Martina!