A Traditional Chocolate Box Jig-saw Scene by 30pics4jackiesdiamond

A Traditional Chocolate Box Jig-saw Scene

The village of Raynes has many beautiful Tudor buildings.
What a fascinating looking piece of architecture! It looks beautiful when viewed on black. The wonderfully intricate patterns on the roof are amazing. Is that a thatched roof?
March 31st, 2022  
A lovely find and capture such a charming little cottage.
March 31st, 2022  
How quaint and lovely.
March 31st, 2022  
What a cool style, love that roof!
March 31st, 2022  
Gosh this is lovely. The thatched roof is incredible and the flowers are so bright.
March 31st, 2022  
Holy smokes! Have you been visiting a fairy tale and took photos in it?
March 31st, 2022  
Such a beautiful building!
March 31st, 2022  
So charming.. thatched roofs are so attractive to me! Fav
March 31st, 2022  
Such a cute cottage.
March 31st, 2022  
Like a postcard. Fav
March 31st, 2022  
It sure is a great Choccy box jig-saw scene.
March 31st, 2022  
March 31st, 2022  
I always think thatched cottages are so romantic!
March 31st, 2022  
It certainly is. What a gorgeous cottage.
March 31st, 2022  
I have a jigsaw puzzle with a very similar image!
March 31st, 2022  
So beautiful
June 3rd, 2022  
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