Allium triquetrum. Also known as three-cornered leek and snowbell. Not to be confused with wild garlic (allium ursinum) which has very different flowers, broader leaves and a more intense garlicky smell.
Originally from the Mediterranean, three-cornered garlic is now considered an invasive species. But like wild garlic it's edible and we happen to have loads of it, presumably self-seeded, in one of our beds.
A blogger called Bug Woman who posts about nature in her small corner of North London and beyond has a feature called Wednesday Weed where she highlights the wild plants growing in our midst.
I thought it would be fun to track down some of the 'weeds' she features.
Interesting information. I was given a bag of supposedly bluebells and trusted the source. Big mistake as I am trying to eradicate the wild garlic. Now this I would be happy with.