Share a favourite from July

August 3rd, 2024
Another month gone! Here is your opportunity to look back at July, and share a favourite image or two. Please do tell us why it’s special to you as well.

Instructions for sharing: Go to the photo you want to post. Underneath your photo is a curved arrow to the right. Click on the arrow and it will open a pop-up box with an "Embed Code". Copy the code then paste it in the comment box below, adding whatever comments you wish.

My choice this month was an easy one - it had to be this Sandhill Crane. Finding them in such an unexpected place, and then getting images I was happy with, was an amazing experience.

What’s yours?
August 3rd, 2024
A sad month, losing our gorgeous Ruaridh at the beginning. We seem to have had endless days of fog or rain. Highlights of the month were two separate trips out with a friend taking photos one zoo trip and a road trip in the fog. I've gone with this incamera double or triple exposure in the fog, which came out as quite a brittle looking tree. A bit like I've been feeling
August 3rd, 2024
4 photos taken from inside my tent at SweetWood. I liked the somewhat abstract appearance of the result.
August 3rd, 2024
For all sorts of reasons this wedding photograph. Emotionally of course, because the bride's family are friends, but also for the connections between folk and the variety of people in the shot. I love the two FBI look-a-likes, the bride's gesture and the gentleman to the right of the photo peering at the group of four men which includes the groom, but there is much more going on which is quite fascinating.
August 3rd, 2024
I took part in the World Watercolour Month Challenge. This was my favourite, for the prompt 'turn'. All my paintings were about 3"X2"

I was pleased with how the photo of a failed cyanotype experiment turned out.

August 3rd, 2024
I liked that this Heron sat for a good part of the morning preening in the rain.
August 3rd, 2024
No question, this Great Horned Owl because it was truly a case of serendipity! Our paths just intersected for a few minutes and most likely won't happen ever again.

August 3rd, 2024
Black and white decaying rose:
August 4th, 2024
Great fun on Canada Day!
August 4th, 2024
This is one of my favourites this month. I like the way the orange stands out from the dark background.

August 4th, 2024
This was one of my favorites as I was so excited to catch a bird in flight.
August 4th, 2024
August 4th, 2024
My life has been really chaotic this past month, and I found myself doing a lot of food shots. I guess because food is something we need regularly even when things are crazy! Anyway, I've chosen one food photo and one non-food photo to share here.

This rather high-key shot of Indian take-out that we had for our wedding anniversary dinner:

And this spotted sandpiper, because it was cool to see it just walking around the pond on top of the lily pads!
August 5th, 2024
I only took 14 photos during July, but I was happy with a number of them.

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