Your favourite photo: 12 - 18 March

March 19th, 2011
Hey peeps, it's that time again! What's your favourite photo over the past week, between 12-18 March?

You can post your favourite photo by copying and pasting the code from the 'Share' box that's in your photo page, together with info on when it was taken. Part of the challenge is only selecting ONE picture, so no cheating!

I don't think I had a great week, but I like what I took tonight (18 March):

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
I'm really happy with a few of mine this week, but I'll go with this one from yesterday:

March 19th, 2011
My favorite, by far of this week was this one. I just stumbled across this earlier in the week.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Not my most viewed or the one that was favorited, but I really like the colors and feel of this one.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Not the best photo I took this week, but I was so proud of myself for making a Sushi cake for my best friends birthday.
March 19th, 2011

13th March, a Swan that was more than happy to pose for me!
March 19th, 2011

Playing with honey!
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Love capturing happy kid moments. I passed it along to her dance teacher (suggestion from @kchuk) and she asked if she could use it in an advertisement for the dance studio - so exciting!!

March 19th, 2011
tough week for me. . .i guess this one:

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
today's picture is my favorite.
March 19th, 2011
I had pretty average week overall but was fairly happy with yesterdays shot.

March 19th, 2011
Probably one of the hardest pictures I have ever done, in terms of conflicted emotions & should I / shouldn't I, but I think it is one of the better ones I have done.

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
@melmellow that's a cake? fantastic work!!
March 19th, 2011
Not at all because of the subject or picture but because I've been able to capture moments that will be a part of human history. In this case, it directly impacts where I live. The once in a lifetime moments only happen once.

March 19th, 2011
@suzk Yes it is. Thank you very much !
March 19th, 2011
Overall I was pleased with all my shots this week. Even the two I liked the least I got several compliments on (thanks everyone that commented!). Currently my fave is the one I took today; probably because it's fresh in my mind:

(kind of cheating here, but if I could post photos in full size and resolution on this site it would be the one from the 16th, of the basic same subject. I'm just amazed at all the detail my camera picked out: )
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
The demise of this washer made for a harrowing week, but the story turned out OK:
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
"Air Time" taken 13th March

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
first crocus = spring!
March 19th, 2011
Here's mine from the 15th

March 19th, 2011
I had decent photos this week, but I think I like the way this one turned out. Plus, I had the most fun with it!

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This one I think, my little mushroom pic is a very close second :)
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This one of my kids (with a bit of Photoshop magic for the background) just makes me laugh.
March 19th, 2011

Today's picture is my favorite. I met my family out at the beach after work and it was amazing! :)
March 19th, 2011
I'm fairly pleased with the sharpness of this photo. I am VERY pleased with the colour.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This was a touch week for me... had trouble picking between my last three postings. Although I went with todays because it was the most fun. Inspiration came from a hot sauce packet lol proving that inspiration is always all around us.

March 19th, 2011
This is my favorite!
March 19th, 2011
Hsre's mine!

March 19th, 2011
I think this one is my favorite
March 19th, 2011
I have several this week that I like, but this one also brought a smile
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
My first sunrise shoot! Was great to get some practice... I only took 500+ photos ;-)
March 19th, 2011
taken today March 18th
March 19th, 2011
"Happiness" taken today 3/18
March 19th, 2011
I think it's this one - it's just so different for me...
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This one, taken on the 13th
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This one which I took on March 16. It is my third selfie.

March 19th, 2011
I had a great week and was fortunate not only to have some photos that I really enjoyed taking, but to have three on them end up on the PP this week. So thankful to be amongst so many talented people who inspire me every day!
March 19th, 2011
It's gotta be this one for me.
March 19th, 2011
this one is my favourite... & best response i've ever had ;-) thanks to all
March 19th, 2011
@madamelucy that one cracks me up every-time I have seen it lmao
March 19th, 2011
This is my favourite I think, although I have a few this week.

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
I was happy with this one because it received so many generous comments and lingered on the pop page for quite a while, which I found most encouraging.

March 19th, 2011

I started a surf and beach series. This is my favorite so far.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011

This was mine - just 'cause it was such a neat lighthouse and a great day
March 19th, 2011
My stuff is 90% landscape, but on balance...

March 19th, 2011
A hungry cardinal foraging in the front yard on the 15th.

March 19th, 2011
From the 15th. This was a hard week to choose from. ^_^
March 19th, 2011
I just faved this one yesterday -- couldn't help but laugh when it came up on my monitor! Photo by @oblateal, fav by Elyse K :)

March 19th, 2011
march 17th

March 19th, 2011
tricky one for me - not overawed by any of my shots this week! this probably my favourite!
March 19th, 2011
I love this one from the 13th because it is a flower picture and technically not bad close up . I mainly chose it because it is not a sweet aesthetical flower picture but one which I find to be emotional.

March 19th, 2011
This is a Cosmo in my garden. I love the transparency of the petals and the simplicity of the photo.

March 19th, 2011
@vikdaddy Vikdaddy, thats a awesome photo..
My fave this week is a result of having so much fun :o)
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Wasn't a great week but I did like this one.

March 19th, 2011
didnt want to put a filler in here as my favourite shot for the week, so this takes the place :)
March 19th, 2011

I know there's a lot of flower shots around at the moment but I really liked this one.
March 19th, 2011
this because of the story behind it. It's not a great photo, but I love everyone in it

March 19th, 2011


March 19th, 2011

I pick this one because I didn't have to tweek it :)
March 19th, 2011
I love this one from the 15th:
March 19th, 2011
Not that I have many to choose from

March 19th, 2011
I was amazed when my frog hit the popular page, but this was my personal favourite. I love the mood it conveys and the tear shape of the water droplet.

March 19th, 2011
I Loved this was SOOC
March 19th, 2011
Trainstation scale model
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Made this one on the 12th. The weather was nice and spring was everywhere. Wanted to make a picture of a flower, but didn't want just a flower, that's why you see the building on the background.
March 19th, 2011
From the 13th

March 19th, 2011

Tough one this week but i love the effect of this one. It looks like an eye!
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
My guitar...

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
I stalked a cardinal for I'd have to pick this one:

March 19th, 2011

My fave beacause it was taken out of a moving car! My hands are steadier than I thought!
March 19th, 2011
I like this photo the best because I was able to catch the quick motion of the squirrel. When I started this project, I could not do that. Taking pictures of birds is helping me take pictures of other animals. :)

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
I really like how this one, from the 18th, turned out. It's a photo of a house in Woodbridge, a historic neighborhood in Detroit.

March 19th, 2011

I love this one.
March 19th, 2011
I took this one on the 16th:

March 19th, 2011
I think this one is my favorite for the week because I like the way it came out. I've been here a million times but always find something to take a picture of.

March 19th, 2011
Its not my best pic but its the one that means the most to me as you will see if you read the description of my pic :o)

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Maybe this one...
March 19th, 2011
I'd say this one, both because it's happy and because it was my first time learning to adjust the aperture on my new DSLR:

March 19th, 2011
I guess my latest... it's a close call this week, though

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
It was not my most popular this week but it is definitely my fave. I knew what I wanted the shot to look like and got it exactly right:

March 19th, 2011
I pick this one, because I saw the shot in my mind and the end result was exactly as I intended!
March 19th, 2011
Well the photo bomb of course!

March 19th, 2011
this one because it shows the relationship(often strained yet loving) between sisters...

March 19th, 2011
I think it's this one:

At least it was the most difficult to make... :-)
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
From March 13th:

March 19th, 2011
I don't do collages often (I've only done 2) but I really really really like this
March 19th, 2011
Not the most popular, but I liked it:

March 19th, 2011
Not so much because of my photography, but because of the hard work that went into making this sand sculpture.
March 19th, 2011
I love this one because it's about my husband and me.

9 Years Ago Today I Married a Stranger

March 19th, 2011
Gotta be this one!

March 19th, 2011
It was hard for me to choose because I had some sentimental pictures this week. I finally decided on this one because I feel it is my best technical picture. The settings were all right and that never happens with I am more of an editor that a photographer. This is my son at the YMCA.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
this one!

March 19th, 2011

Would have to be the sweet innocence of a sleeping child!
March 19th, 2011
I'm most proud of this one from the week.

March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Not great but I had fun editing this one.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
My vacation to NYC provided me with so many great opportunities for photographs, but this one is just so pretty and iconic:

March 19th, 2011
Water fun on the 16th:
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Gotta be yesterdays ! .... this was a total supprise when i transfered the shots on to the PC this heart appeared in bubble form :)

March 19th, 2011
This was my first week on 365 project. I have had alot of fun so far. I think this is my favorite shot for the week- I can't wait to see green here (we still have LOTS of snow and no signs of spring yet.)
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
You know, I really really really LOVE the shadows and reflections in this one. I am a sucker for trees, I have to say. :)

March 19th, 2011
Not my best week due to illness but I am quite pleased with this one:

March 19th, 2011
I have enjoyed my photos this week. I finally got my camera back from being repaired, and have really enjoyed getting some new shots! I guess I will go with this one. :)
March 19th, 2011
I like my moon, deer and whisk photos too but I had to go with this one of my daughter in the bath
March 19th, 2011
Guess it'd have to be this one
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
Tough decision. I think this one, even though it wasn't the one that got the most response on 365.
March 19th, 2011
This wasn't my favorite, but my most favorite day!
March 19th, 2011
@tamallamma Ok...I love this one...where did you find the chair?
March 19th, 2011
@filo13 thanks! Craigslist for $50
March 19th, 2011
@tamallamma Now I wish Paul hadn't thrown out the gold one I used with Dannon. DOH!
March 19th, 2011
I love how this turned out! Was tough, I have a bubble shot I like real well too!
March 19th, 2011

March 19th, 2011
HAS to be this happy when I saw it on the PC :)

March 19th, 2011
Here's mine, taken during our Spring Break trip to Alpine, TX and Big Bend. I found hummingbird moths at the RV campground. They're amazingly beautiful.

March 19th, 2011
This would be mine for the week.
March 19th, 2011
March 19th, 2011
This picture because she was really looking for something or someone inside the teapot.
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
I was happy with my pictures this week. I'd have to pick this one though
March 20th, 2011
i thought this was a clever idea =P
March 20th, 2011

definitely this one... i was so shocked and happy to be on the popular page for the first time :) made my day!
March 20th, 2011
Tough call for me, I'm pretty happy with this past week's shots - but I think it's this one of my friend Mary:)
March 20th, 2011
It was hard to chose just one. But, I really like how this one came out.

March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
my roommate
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011

My favourite picture from my first play with my new lights!!
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
mine is this one :)

March 20th, 2011

I was really surprised how this turned out, I like the tones and textures.
March 20th, 2011

This is my favourite photo of the week. Not technically my best, but the most interesting and funniest.
March 20th, 2011
Heres my Fav, taken at COLOUR conference in Sydney put on by my Church such a breath taking moment.
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
@bec01 that's one brilliant and happy and funny pic. it makes me smile
March 20th, 2011
It has to be my sons birthday photo from the 14th March

March 20th, 2011
There were three photos from this series of rose macros, all of which I was equally happy with, but this one I really liked. But it seemed to have passed unnoticed. Not sure whether it's because it actually really sucks LOL, or because it just slipped between the cracks.

March 20th, 2011
This is my favorite because it's pretty different for me:

March 20th, 2011
I really like this candid shot from the 17th.

March 20th, 2011
this is the one of mine I like BEST for the week as it came unexpectedly....
March 20th, 2011
@rudit ~ I kept coming back to this one... so pretty.

March 20th, 2011
@pprmntmochamama - aaaaaawww... thanks so very much, amy... sweet of you..... :))
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
Part of a recurring joke at work this week, culminating in the final shot ...:

March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
This is mine, my theme shot effort...

March 20th, 2011
I have more than one moon shot this week but this one is my first. So, special for that reason.
March 20th, 2011
This is my favorite beause it is my first time capturing a good flight shot.
March 20th, 2011
My favorite of that week... at least it is my favorite today... lol.

March 20th, 2011
March 18

March 20th, 2011
Taken on the 13th
March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
I've been really happy with my week, but I love this picture of me and a couple of very inquisitive lambs :)
March 20th, 2011
I was in the right place at the right time, and I love how this turned out!
March 20th, 2011
Probably my Pi Day picture. I've been feeling rather blah about my photography lately but I am kind of proud of it.

March 20th, 2011
While it's not a very arty shot, it does capture the essence of Twig. I miss her so much already. RIP.

March 20th, 2011
My first fizzy water photo!

March 20th, 2011
This is a hard choice! I like one picture better than the other, but the other one got way more views and fav's. Even though, I pick my own favorite, something different and new (for me), a shot of a graveyard.
March 20th, 2011
This is one of my faves of my whole project. It hasn't got anywhere near the amount of comment or faves that others have though. It really looks best when it's as big as possible (as in, covering most of my computer screen).

March 20th, 2011
March 20th, 2011
I love this pic... a rose out of my late Nan's garden
March 21st, 2011

I have an infatuation with the moon!!!
March 21st, 2011

I really can't wait for the Spring weather!
March 21st, 2011
Kept it simple :)

March 21st, 2011
This one from the 18th, St. Patrick's Day...

March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
of me on the 15th

March 21st, 2011
I guess this.... I didn't enjoy this week.

March 21st, 2011
Have to say this would be my favorite from the week
March 21st, 2011
My first proper water experiment and although I got the shot I wanted, i liked this better...
March 21st, 2011
I actually had a hard time choosing which is rare. I would have to go with this one just because I love friendship bracelets so much:
March 21st, 2011

This is one of my trys at selective color. And I am not bragging but I was happy with this one. That is very rare for me lol.
March 21st, 2011
This one is probably my favorite. My first night shot and first full moon shot as well. Taken last night. :)

March 21st, 2011
this one was briefly on the popular page

but i really like this one
March 21st, 2011
@bellaposacom omg! that baby photo is just way too cute!
March 21st, 2011
This is my favourite. I like the colours
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
I think this one because it came from a difficult day (photographically).
March 21st, 2011

This was a fun shot to take!
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
My niece and great-niece...a couple of cuties!

March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
I like this one although it's had hardly any views.

March 21st, 2011
I loved this one of my eldest son Oliver

March 21st, 2011
This is my favorite, I think I might work on it some more though. Something about it right now is annoying me.
March 21st, 2011
I think this was my favorite -- and I look forward to shooting this spot again when the leaves have budded out!

March 21st, 2011
I really liked this one. It was taken on my friend's property which is full of interesting things. I spent the day with her just taking pictures.
March 21st, 2011
I don't have a lot of street shots and I really love it this one. (:
March 21st, 2011
I like that this shot was totally unplanned and even almost removed until I saw it on the PC and thought I'd give it a chance:

March 21st, 2011
lol I dont have much of a choice here as I only took one this past week. That said, even if i'd taken loads, this would still be my favourite as I think its the best portrait shot i've done to date

March 21st, 2011

snowdrops in my garden :)
March 21st, 2011

March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
My daughter had a bad taste day at her school for Comic relief - they also did a Skipathon! there are only 40 children in her school and between them and thier families and friends they managed to raise an amazing £1000 - a great effort!

I love this photo of her!

March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
Hmmm... I'll go with this one:

March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
March 21st, 2011
I got really lucky this week and had some of my best shots so far. I especially like that one because relaxing is not my strongest side :)
March 22nd, 2011

My best friends Kitty, She kept attacking my camera, hahaha silly kitty :P
March 22nd, 2011
March 22nd, 2011

I liked this pic.
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