“75 is going to be just fine!” by louannwarren

“75 is going to be just fine!”

We traveled to Arkansas today, a lovely steak dinner this evening and quick birthday candle photos. Tomorrow we go to the Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, a museum I’ve wanted to see since it opened 7 years ago!
Happy birthday! Enjoy the celebrations.
August 18th, 2018  
Oh, Happy Birthday! What a wonderful way to celebrate!!
August 18th, 2018  
Oh, you will love it - and the weather is supposed to be wonderful - first good day in a week. A most happy birthday, LouAnn - have enjoyed getting to know you through 365 - I just have 5 years on you - planning to visit Crystal Bridges again in September when I fly to Montana. My favorite place to wander - especially their grounds. Hope you have a wonderful time.
August 18th, 2018  
Happy and blessed Birthday 🍰💐💕
August 18th, 2018  
You have reached my number of years and I think you are so right! Being this age, gives you excuses not to do something you don't want to do and enjoy what you do want to do!
August 18th, 2018  
Happy birthday! It looks like you were spoiled! Lovely photos showing your gorgeous smile! Enjoy all your celebrations!
August 18th, 2018  
You're truly a gorgeous, photogenic lady, and what a wonderful time Jerry showed you, taking you to such a fine dinner out of state! I hope you'll share a collage of photos from that museum! I've not heard of it before, but I'm betting it will be wonderful! Have a grand time! ♥♥♥
August 18th, 2018  
Happy Birthday Lou Ann. I have it on the best authority that you don't put on weight when you eat cake on your birthday, enjoy.
August 18th, 2018  
Beautiful record of your special day Lou Ann, "many happy returns of the day"
August 18th, 2018  
Happy Birthday and lead the way for me (71 in January )
August 18th, 2018  
Enjoy the museum. And a very happy birthday to you. And as always, you take the cake!!!
August 18th, 2018  
@mawol @farmreporter @milaniet @joemuli @maggiemae @pamknowler @Weezilou @onewing @pcoulson @joansmor @mbrutus Thank you all for the sweet birthday wishes! The Crystal is a treasure trove of American art and the perfect place to celebrate a milestone birthday. @onewing I’m so glad to know that birthday cake is calorie free! @joansmor I’ll happily lead the way for you! @Weezilou Thank you sweetheart! Fun times! @pamknowler I will enjoy every minute, I promise! @maggiemae I definitely do what I like to do these days! @milaniet You will adore Montana, Glacier NP is my happy place! How great that you can see the Crystal any time you want to!
August 18th, 2018  
Hope your day was wonderful (I'm sure it was...).
August 18th, 2018  
Beautiful birthday collage. Definitely enjoy your birthday week.
August 18th, 2018  
Great collage! That piece of cake looks big and yummy! Enjoy the museum!
August 18th, 2018  
Age is how you feel. Happy birthday!
August 18th, 2018  
Wonderful collage of you and Happy Birthday, Lou Ann!
August 18th, 2018  
Happy Birthday Lou Ann!
August 18th, 2018  
So pleased you are having a fabulous birthday
August 18th, 2018  
@gijsje @henrir @ingrid01 @mave @mittens @carole_sandford @suzanne234 Thank you for your wonderful comments! It’s been a really nice birthday celebration!
August 19th, 2018  
What wonderful photos , you have a delightful smile Happy Birthday enjoy yourself....
August 19th, 2018  
@happysnaps thank you! I do wish Jerry hadn’t chopped off the top of my head. Ha ha!
August 19th, 2018  
Happy birthday - and keep enjoying life :)
August 19th, 2018  
Age is but a number! Happy Birthday
August 19th, 2018  
you and henri seem to have similar dispositions - always smiling, sweet ladies!
August 20th, 2018  
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