My cruise to come.. by maggiemae

My cruise to come..

This is not my photo but just to show where I will be next week. Its just a small boat - 32 guests but we get all meals and comfy cabins (I hope) Its a 7 day trip and goes where Captain Cook landed and various settlements were once in the 1800's! No wifi and no cell coverage of course, so my photos will have to wait.

Only 2 more sleeps......!
I did an overnight stopover on a boat just like this one on Doubtful Sound. It was the most magical experience of my life! Enjoy! So jealous! Fav!
August 17th, 2016  
@pamknowler Unfortunately the weather forecast for the whole week is rain, rain, Pam so won't get a photo like this one. The sea will be flat though!
August 17th, 2016  
Wow ...Wonderful scenery, and it sounds like a very nice trip! I'm looking forward to your pics when you return!
August 17th, 2016  
Have a nice trip, Maggiemae.
August 17th, 2016  
Sounds like an exciting cruise without electronic distractions...
August 17th, 2016  
have a fun trip!
August 18th, 2016  
Sounds like a wonderful trip, Maggie. Look forward to photos when you get back. Hope you and John have a great time.
August 18th, 2016  
How exciting for you. Bon voyage!
August 18th, 2016  
My goodness you two are on the go all the time! Looks like a wonderful trip!
August 18th, 2016  
Is this in the sound or another one of znew Zealand s beautiful lakes? Have fun, I'll be thinking about you.
August 18th, 2016  
@flygirl Its way down in the south west of the South Island and amongst very remote fjords and islands, Dee.
August 18th, 2016  
Wow, how excited you must be. Will look forward to your photos when you get back
August 18th, 2016  
Have fun! Take pictures!
August 18th, 2016  
@aikimomm Thanks Phoebe - I will try and not drop the camera overboard trying to take pictures of dolphins or monsters of the deep!
August 18th, 2016  
Looks beautiful Maggie. Have a great trip
August 18th, 2016  
Fantastic - have a lovely time.
August 18th, 2016  
Magnificent composition.
August 18th, 2016  
It looks idyllic Maggiemae. Have a wonderful time.
August 18th, 2016  
Think you've got the cruising bug!
August 18th, 2016  
@jqf This trip had to be booked long before we did our big cruise trip but, yes, love to cruise! You have your own space, something new to see every day... and ....meals!
August 18th, 2016  
enjoy, it looks beautiful , look forward to the photos once you are back
August 18th, 2016  
Fantastic view, great capture.
August 19th, 2016  
Looks wonderful. Have a great trip.
August 20th, 2016  
Sounds like great fun.
August 23rd, 2016  
365 view
August 27th, 2016  
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