Thanks to everyone for their entries to the 29th Camera Settings Challenge, which was about In-Camera Sun Flare. It was great to see that so many of you went through the trouble of learning about it and trying it out! We encourage everyone to view the three pages of entries (tag: CSC-29) as it was a treat to see wonderful creative examples of sun flares of all shapes, sizes, and positioning within the photos. I learned a lot from this challenge and a special ‘shout-out’ goes to Paul **SnapChap** Everest for creating the challenge and supporting me throughout the theme competition process. Thank you Paul!
Paul and I met via Google video Hangout to choose the finalists, viewing all the photos together in real time. We had a very difficult time choosing those final 5, and in fact, we couldn’t! So you will see the six top entries below, in the order submitted. We tried to choose photos that not only included excellent examples of sun flare, but also where the flare was an important part of the overall image.
Voting will take place , July 16th (and remain open 24 hours) and the winner will be announced by July 18th.
Here they are in the order they were submitted:
Thank you all for participating! We hope you learned something you can use for your photography and had some fun!
The winner of the challenge will select an experienced photographer to host a new challenge. It is the winner’s option on who they want to host the next challenge; it may be someone they follow whose work they admire, or someone who is active offering suggestions on previous CSC challenges. The winner may also select an experienced photographer for the list of photographers who have agreed to host future challenges as another option. Here is the link to that list:
I thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and thankfully the British summer this year allowed me to practice lots ~ thank you for setting, hosting and the feedback on the shots I entered ~ honoured to be in the top 6 :-)
Difficult decision but I choose...
1 for me
Difficult choice, they are all lovely ....
eek this is hard, they are all so good
But if only one, then 1.