• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - First load stacked
2nd Sep 2024 - A good catch
3rd Sep 2024 - Donside view
4th Sep 2024 - A lovely green space
5th Sep 2024 - Evie's turtle tart
6th Sep 2024 - Autumn introduction
7th Sep 2024 - Fish delish....
8th Sep 2024 - Green choices
9th Sep 2024 - 090924 late in the day
10th Sep 2024 - Out west....
12th Sep 2024 - Eating at Greens
13th Sep 2024 - Time flies
14th Sep 2024 - Cookery Demonstration at the Arts Festival.
15th Sep 2024 - Streptocarpus 🩷
16th Sep 2024 - Panorama of No 3
17th Sep 2024 - A brilliant moon
18th Sep 2024 - Still waters