Photography Bucket List

April 13th, 2017
I was wondering how many of us have a 'photography bucket list'. It is something i was thinking about and i know that there is a certain place i want to go and photograph or there is a photo i want to capture.
One of mine is getting an awesome light trail of traffic :)

What are some of your 'bucket list' photos and have you 'ticked' some off yet?
I just thought it would be a really interesting discussion.

UPDATE 15/04: I actually got my light trail photo. Its slightly out of focus but i'm very happy with it otherwise!
April 13th, 2017
Great subject for a discussion :)

I have lots of ideas, but a few of my bucket list ones would be -

- A really awesome sunrise (still haven't gotten around to it...)
- A panoramic shot of the city lights from a high vantage point
- Love to go up in a helicopter and get some shots from above
April 13th, 2017
I would like to try a photo where I swing around some steel wool that's on fire -- or something like that. Sounds scary, so I will need to do some research first...
April 13th, 2017
I wish I could capture some great portraits of people I know well enough to sense that I have captured the essence of who they are, naturally. And not as a passport photo shoot. Oh, and learn how to deal with lighting on human skin. And did I mention something that feels naturally artistic?
April 13th, 2017
Oooh, I almost forgot - @marcy0414 reminded me lol - the perfect light orb. I love light painting but I really suck at making orbs... maybe one day I'll perfect it ha ;)
April 13th, 2017
I want to recreate the moment I first saw a bison. I had my camera in my hand but was too stunned to do anything about it! Though I suppose that's for the best, in a way; it would've turned out terrible with my current camera.

Aside from that there's a lot of things I want to try, but nothing so demandingly specific.
April 13th, 2017
I have a "hit list" of insects/spiders/etc I reeeally want to capture. Most of them are a bit far fetched (white witch moth) some less so, but still rare. Some have been semi caught!

I really like taking photos of people, especially people in fancier clothing. With that my lack of networking skills and shyness probably hold me back a bunch (i'm not even sure where to start with that).

Then some of the places I've spent lots of time in but never with a really decent camera! I need to do a world trip travelling back round places!! :D
April 13th, 2017
I've been wanting to get a light trail at night from cars, too, Saskia.
I also want to get a roof shot of a group of houses but haven't found what I'm looking for yet.
I'd also like to get the stars at night. Maybe someday.
April 13th, 2017
I don't think I have particular shots in mind except maybe grandchildren someday but I certainly would like to improve my portraiture/head shot abilities.
April 13th, 2017
I sort of do... it's a list of photos I want to take, not necessarily places I want to go to get photos and I'm working through it, as well as adding to it as I think of more ideas!
Some of the ones I've ticked off so far are:
a shadow of a person who "isn't there"
water splashes
silky smooth waterfalls
all the iconic buildings in my city

I find it helps to have a list so I have some sort of direction with photography, rather than just taking the "easy" photos :)
April 13th, 2017
Milky Way, star trails, fabulous spine-tingling aurora.
@jyokota I would also like to capture people I love in a natural, relaxed, "real" way, and still be flattering. My portrait skills are nonexistent, so I need to work on this.
Sweeping panoramas with depth and detail. (hmm, I will be close to the Bad Lands in ND in July. Twice.)

Great topic! Made me think of what I'd really like to do, and that puts me a step closer to doing it. And I'm upgrading to a full frame in the next month or so, and that will get my pho-jo going again.
April 13th, 2017
Nice topic @claycameras

I'd like to get a really nice shot of the Chrysler Building and also a nice clear one of the Manhattan skyline lit up at night.

I'd also like to figure out a daytime long exposure that has blurry people in motion. Whenever I try it it ends up over-exposed ... but I'll keep trying!
April 13th, 2017
@jyokota That is a great goal! Especially photographing adults - for those of us who have kids and always make them the default photo subject. I don't think, I have a really great photo of my husband!
April 13th, 2017
I just want to actually TAKE photos every time I think "I should take a picture of it one day" - things do disappear. They've just chopped down a tree that used to grow IN a parking lot defying all odds. I admired it for so long, driving past it each morning thinking it's such a great photo subject. Till one day, it wasn't.
April 13th, 2017
To capture the pefect white on white without the need for editing!!
April 13th, 2017
@30pics4jackiesdiamond - I've told you how to do it but you don't listen! :-P
April 13th, 2017
when i started in 2011, and looking at and admiring the hundreds/thousands of photos here, i had a mental bucket list - smoke, water crown, panning, shallow dof, underbelly of a flying plane, multiplicity, levitation shots, backlighting, etc. all those are all easily do-able if you have the patience and the time and if you have the right mind set to learn post-processing skills. i have actually done most of those but there are items i should like to learn how to do that are technical in nature. for example, how to use an external flash, bracketing, mirror lock up, HDR stacking, the sort. i need a really patient mentor to guide me on those. someone who will not kill me before i have learned to do it (or vice-versa).
April 13th, 2017
Night images for me
April 14th, 2017
@claycameras It's never the camera. It is what you capture with it. I have found that out from many 365ers here. Of course, that doesn't mean that a really good zoom could not help at times.
April 14th, 2017
When I started on 365 i just wanted to record a year of my life in photographs. I discovered quite quickly just how many challenging opportunities and options there are. Now I just want to do all of the above and much more! Especially the milky way, star trails, light painting/orbs, portraits, macros, still life, aurora australis and borealis......... I guess I had better stick around for a while longer yet lol. No wonder 365 photography is so addictive.
April 14th, 2017
I really, really, really want to get a shot of a blue heron. I've come close a couple of time but the dratttdd thing gets away from me every time.
April 14th, 2017
I really want to take a photo of a bald eagle in the wild. I've taken photos of them in zoos, but not really in the wild. I got one flying over a river once, but it was so far away you could hardly tell it was an eagle. And I'd love to photograph the aurora borealis and the milky way.
April 14th, 2017
Most of the above for me, too...except the insects and birds, not so much. I would really like to do something that would be considered "art" and I'd love to have a small gallery show somewhere, someday...even in the local bar!
April 14th, 2017
@henrir Unfortunately, it very much is the camera sometimes ): There's a very hard limit on what kinds of shots turn out well for me because of my camera's technical limitations. There's nothing I can do about it except buy a new camera or not try to take those shots.
April 14th, 2017
Great thread! On my bucket list i would love to capture wildlife in the wild! I've gotten deer, turkeys, etc but to capture a moose or a bear or a coyote or a fox! I love the feeling when you do get that shot! Last summer I was lucky enough to shoot two juvenile owls in the wild, it was so exciting! I really love wildlife photography! The other thing I want to try is lightening! And I'm still trying for the perfect water crown shot!
April 14th, 2017
@featherstone26 I see you shoot with a Nikon.....what are you upgrading too? I'm so jealous! I'm still shooting with m d5000 !, maybe someday!
April 14th, 2017
@dianen I've been debating for days and days...yesterday I got down to D800/D810 or D750. Today I decided on D750...lighter weight, picture files aren't so big. I was sorely tempted by the D700, as so many people love it, but it has been out for quite a while, and I read some comments that nobody else is using that battery and they may be hard to come by in the future. So as of right this minute, anyway...Nikon D750, it is!
April 14th, 2017
@featherstone26 ugh so jealous! I have been debating the 800 or the 750 and I think I'd get the 750! And I have no plans to upgrade!
April 15th, 2017
There are so many technical challenges that I would like to experiment with, but I think for me, it is milky ways, star trails and auroras. There are also othes like horses in movement (I own a horse), and any kind of wildlife. I am still trying to capture birds in flight. I guess the list goes on and on, but that's what makes this such an engaging activity. There is always more to learn. For those interested in aligning yourself with the perfect milky way, moon or star trails shot, there is an app called photo pills.
April 15th, 2017
@m2016 A sunrise is one of mine as well!! But its too hard to get up!! I'm interested to know what these light orbs are! Dont know whether ive ever seen a photo with one!
@marcy0414 Sounds interesting! Let me know (or post the photo on here) if you ever get the chance to do that!!
@jyokota Yes! I suck at portraits! There is workshops that i could do but there is so many different circumstances that they cant teach you!!
@claycameras Some of those moments are the best though! You dont have to worry about lighting or focus and things like that! You are fully in the moment :)
@miseria Rare animals are always interesting but it is very hard to actually find the animal first!!
@mittens See above update about light trails :) Stars are hard to capture because you need wide open spaces away from city lights.
@blueace I've found that its taken me a year to get out of the 'easy' photos. I got my camera for my birthday last year, and i think you need to get your head around using manual ect before trying to challenge yourself!! :)
@featherstone26 Lots of people have talked about space/sky photos! Sounds interesting!
@clearday Keep trying!! You will get there!
@vera365 I've found that if i want to take a photo of something, i take it. Or i stop, go back and capture it. It means that i never really say that i should've done this or i should of taken that :)
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I'm not to sure what white on white is, but keep on trying and you will get it!
@summerfield Thats what ive done! I go through 365 or the internet and find images that i really like and mentally note it down. I also want to learn about external flashes ect but i dont think anyone has the patience!

April 15th, 2017
@sasslater there are lots of examples online, this site has a good image :)
April 15th, 2017
@m2016 Oh yep i've seen them before!! So amazing!
April 15th, 2017
I used to work with birds of prey and I have open opportunity to photograph any sort of bird, prey, paradise, wild. No matter how hard I try, I can not get a photo of an in flight falcon... I guess that would be my dream photo!
April 15th, 2017
@clearday If you google ND (neutral density) filters, you will learn how to take those kinds of photos. It's fun!
April 16th, 2017
@juliedduncan Thanks!
April 26th, 2017
I don't have a specific shot but I would like to actually submit a photo into a photography contest of some sort. I haven't been taking many photos lately I'll need to start snapping in order to make that happen.
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