A welcome site, fresh produce market on my way to school.  by beverley365

A welcome site, fresh produce market on my way to school.

The market was buzzing, the locals were enthusiastic and buying lots. A wonderful traditional market, wed & Fri are market days.

Dieppe is a big french harbour for fresh fishing.

After the war, the fishing industry resumed its activities. Despite the damage of the war, Dieppe has remained an important fishing centre.

The Dieppe fishery specialises in Scallops.
First shellfish port of France, although as you see the choice is Amazing!!! the fishing port of Dieppe is the anchor of this pretty town.
Super fresh fish and shell fish, nicely displayed, hubbies mouth is watering!!
March 8th, 2024  
How I would love to shop there, fabulous capture of this amazing market.
March 8th, 2024  
Nice shot
March 8th, 2024  
Good capture
March 8th, 2024  
Nice market
March 8th, 2024  
How wonderful!
March 8th, 2024  
Lots of choice here.
March 8th, 2024  
Yum and the colors!
March 8th, 2024  
March 8th, 2024  
Nice shot.
March 8th, 2024  
Looks like a lovely fresh market!
March 8th, 2024  
Looks fabulous. I love all of these. Lovely shot too
March 9th, 2024  
Fresh scallops, sounds delicious, I guess that means little to you - vegetarian? That is my impression.
March 9th, 2024  
Oh! Oh! you couldn't keep me away from this fresh food market.
March 9th, 2024  
Looks so wonderful
March 9th, 2024  
Very nice
March 9th, 2024  
markets always make great photo subjects. That's a large fish tail!
March 9th, 2024  
What a great selection this stall has! I like going round open air markets to see the local produce. I never buy anything though.
March 9th, 2024  
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