Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else - Wk of April 28 to May 4

May 4th, 2012
This discussion chain is to highlight the work of someone else and show a photo that you marked as +FAV (on the top of the screen) this week. Having people FAV your photo lets you know that what you did really connected with other photographers and for the new members, it really helps get that photo to the popular page. We do this post every week and it is a great way to see work you might of missed or find someone new to follow.

So find a fav from this week and include their user name and why you connected with this photo.

There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your favorite photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste. 5) If it is not your photo also tag the person who it belongs to so they know you love it (@name) remember no punctuation on either side of the @and name.
The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed.
May 4th, 2012
Here is mine - a lovely take on the weekly theme - Corners as well as charming composition and springtime elements. @ladyjane

May 4th, 2012
Has to be this one by Stacy (@sdpace) - What a beautiful moment to capture, and what a beautiful capture of the moment!

May 4th, 2012
this is my fav fav @onie

May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
Hard to choose only one but I loved this. I felt like I was right there with the dog. Beautiful contrast between the white dog and the green moss. Dog is really intent on what he is doing. :) By @ caddick
May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
I see Stacy's shot already( @sdpace ) so I'll go for my other top fav from this week taken by Lisa @traeumerlein87
May 4th, 2012
an all-time fav contender from @rich57. I was bummed when he told me he didn't snag the umbrella for more adventures. :)

May 4th, 2012
@lmbcshutter had to be this sneaky shot of me
May 4th, 2012
we've all gotten used to crystal ball photos but I have to say Marie (@marieooi ) this is a pretty awesome one
May 4th, 2012
This one of @cocobella

May 4th, 2012
Again, this is so difficult with all the great work out there.

After much debate with myself, I picked this one because it has such an appreciative feel for the life that happens on the street.
May 4th, 2012
This is one of my favorite macros, taken by @chrissym

May 4th, 2012
By Mark Bodha - @mavibo

May 4th, 2012
@thraikill I love all the detail in this
May 4th, 2012
Thanks SO MUCH Heather. I was just scrolling through to add my pic, and thought, oh oh oh...that's MY picture. You may have guessed, this is the first time someone has posted one of my pictures in this thread. I'm so glad you liked it. :)
May 4th, 2012
I love this one! @jennarichards
May 4th, 2012
It's the elusive pine marten and Sean captured a great shot of this one! It's sooo cute! @seanoneill

May 4th, 2012

@lyno Thank you for choosing my picture! What a nice surprise.

Mine has to be this one by @hasselhotch

May 4th, 2012
@myautofocuslife Wow, thanks Livia, that is very kind of you. I'm chuffed to ribbons!!
May 4th, 2012
This one by @bdb3471, it really is unnerving and I love the reflection in the pupil.
May 4th, 2012
Well here is mine: @pwallis

May 4th, 2012
This one by @nyusha

May 4th, 2012
I thought this was a great shot right place right time well done. @pointnshoot28

May 4th, 2012
This one by @gurry - not only is he adorable, but he worked his ass off to nail this shot for the Dupain artist challenge!

May 4th, 2012
this one from @michaelelliott

May 4th, 2012
@wardie - Thx Paul, I very much appreciate you thinking of my shot.
May 4th, 2012
Celebrity Sighting! this wasn't this week but I noticed Robin Williams is on the popular page today.. I got a kick out of this because @superflygal747 didn't know who he was but there were other photographers shooting pics so she just went with the flow..Mario Lopez
May 4th, 2012
@myautofocuslife So cute!!
May 4th, 2012
I want to spend an entire day at this spot and watch the light play over this. @claeshields

May 4th, 2012
@fueast Love this!

May 4th, 2012
@webfoot Thank you for the recognition, Paul. I appreciate it!
May 4th, 2012
Its gotta be this by @noo

and also this, just cos I can by @chewyteeth

May 4th, 2012
Love this shot by Judith Greenwood (@judithg)
May 4th, 2012
@shirljess. I thought this was gorgeous!
May 4th, 2012
@catwhiskers LOVE this!!!!
May 4th, 2012
Such an amazing shot! Gorgeous architecture and the two people top it off. @judithg
May 4th, 2012
@cheyrebecca Thank you so much! You made my day
May 4th, 2012
Love this by Davide @woot
May 4th, 2012
@shutterbugger Thanks Jenn!!!
May 4th, 2012
@sdpace I'm really jealous of that fantastic shot!
May 4th, 2012
I know im supposed to just to pick one, but there was two that i loved equally this week!
This one by @judithg

and this one by @hasselhotch
May 4th, 2012
I have LOVED my Favs this week and it's hard to chose. @wrighty and @rich57 have been rocking but I'm going for @happypat 's Blackpool Pier shot - never has Blackpool looked so elegant!
May 4th, 2012
@timandelke Ooh thank you!!!
May 4th, 2012
and apologies for the vast amount of typos in my last post! =)
May 4th, 2012
@mantha Thanks so much!!!!!
May 4th, 2012
Has to be this one by @sassik ... abstract, calm, simple, and creative.
And fab theme shot.

May 4th, 2012
@lyno Thank you! I suddenly thought it's Friday fav fav thread! ;oD
May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
@beachradish Thank you, I'm honoured! I am so happy you choose this as I am rather proud of it :)
May 4th, 2012
@seanoneill - just love his work and this is just awesome
May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
I play the flute, so this is a huge fav for me! Photo by @kimfaria and I hope it looks beautiful in the recipient's music room!

May 4th, 2012
This from Mags (@boogie) so incredibly calming, just what I need for this crazy week!
May 4th, 2012
@zuzana This is Just a really Lovely Picture!
May 4th, 2012
@victorypuzzle Thanks Dominique! :)
May 4th, 2012

@brumbe :-D
May 4th, 2012
@kchuk thanks so much!!!!! wow!!! (and they haven't put all the prints up yet, but this one is her fav too!)
May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
@todimf Thank you Cecilia! :-)
May 4th, 2012
@shirljess Thank you Shirley Jess. Very appreciative.
May 4th, 2012
@ulpiphotos thank you so much for the mention!!!!
May 4th, 2012
@5unflow3r Oh why thank you very very much. I am quite proud of this photo and am so happy I actually learned that my point and shoot has wide angle format.
May 4th, 2012
I loved @emsabh photo this week. This is such an awesome backdrop for photos, and to get the color tones is great.
May 4th, 2012
Tough choice between three this week! Davide @woot has had his already posted in this thread so I will go with this one from @bubbaloooo

I just love this line, the tones and this very shallow DOF!
May 4th, 2012
This one, from Stacy ♥ DOF (@sdpace)

May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
@bmnorthernlight thnk you so much for the mention!
May 4th, 2012
By Jani M @janmaki
May 4th, 2012
@megsy Thanks a million Megsy. You have knocked me over with such a wonderful tribute. I love being on 365, so to have such a wonderful follower as you is just amazing. Your comments and your work inspire me so much, thank you.
May 4th, 2012
@timandelke Love the detail and the contrasting colours in this shot. I can't believe more people haven't fav'd it tbh!

May 4th, 2012
May 4th, 2012
@psychographer Thank you so much, Lisa!
May 4th, 2012
i faved quite a few great ones this week, but this for me gets top marks by @losthorizon:
May 5th, 2012
so difficult to choose! but picking this one by @woot for the moodiness...

May 5th, 2012
@northy yay! thanx so much for the mention!!!!
May 5th, 2012
@brumbe Thanks so much for the kind words! It's been one of my most popular ones in awhile.
May 5th, 2012
I'm gonna have to change this thread name to which Emily Tull photo did Jason fave this week... @houdiniem

May 5th, 2012
May 5th, 2012

By @lizzy_lu123 The colour is stunning
May 5th, 2012
May 5th, 2012
May 5th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Shady! I heart you:)
My pick this week goes to @beautifulthing because she got this shot into a gallery!!!! Wahooo!
May 5th, 2012
l would definitely put this on my wall. Love it. by Arthur @wordpixman
May 5th, 2012
this one by @trude
May 5th, 2012
May 5th, 2012
@cjwhite Thanks so much! :)
May 5th, 2012
Tough choice this week. I love this one by @lalola616

May 5th, 2012
It seems I haven't been looking around as much as I used to on here I don't have as many fav's this week! Work is in the way!! Of the few I did find I will pick this one by @hasselhotch

May 5th, 2012
This is my fav for the week because I love the whole photo, it just all connects together. I especially love goldfish and am amazed at how she managed to capture it perfectly because I never can.

by @cheyrebecca
May 5th, 2012
I love slow shutter speed water shots and in this one the light is just perfect as well. @orangecrush
May 5th, 2012
I'll have to go with this one by @rich57 The reflection is amazing, I love the vibrant colours.
May 5th, 2012
@jannkc ,,, Thank you very much Jann; such a lovely surprise to see one's name come up out op the blue likethat!
May 5th, 2012
@kiwichick Thank you so much, Lesley! I really need to try this again!
May 5th, 2012
@petra wonderful!!!
May 5th, 2012
May 5th, 2012
@kbradbury Wow Thanks so much Kate!
May 5th, 2012
I just love this one of Arthurs. It's not a spectacular sunset of an amazing landscape...or any of the type of shots I usually fav...but I love the Dutch Master feel it has... @wordpixman
May 5th, 2012
Dougal the caterpillar - love it!

May 5th, 2012
This one by @xxddxx - unusual & interesting PoV.

May 5th, 2012
@wenbow Wow, cool thanks Wendy! You rock!
May 5th, 2012
@swilde ... Thank you Sue; very kind of you to say so.
May 5th, 2012
This was taken by Jude Curran @judecurran
May 5th, 2012
I love the colors in this one by @travelingcamper

May 5th, 2012

Love @hown tribute to The Scream!
May 5th, 2012
Just love this one :D
May 5th, 2012
@naomi this picture is absolutely beautiful. :)

May 5th, 2012
Ugh... this was really hard to pick just one... I narrowed it down to 2 shots I faved. I had to do a coin flip and this shot by @bdb3471 won the coin toss.

May 5th, 2012
@gerry This was the winner
May 5th, 2012
This one by Damian (@damianpowell) 'cos it made me smile :)
May 5th, 2012
This capture from Samantha @mantha is incredible.
May 5th, 2012
@losthorizon Ah thanks so much Beau! =)
May 6th, 2012
May 6th, 2012
I liked this one from @pamfromcalgary. I like its simplicity, its layers, and it is a pleasure to look at with all its soft colors.
May 6th, 2012
@digitalrn Thank you so much Rick. It's an honour to be here!
May 6th, 2012
@marlboromaam Thank you so much, Maggie ... I am truly humbled.
May 6th, 2012
This one by @ronphotos365

May 6th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I really loved this one :)

May 6th, 2012
@tkeen Thank you
May 6th, 2012
@Jens thank you so much :) First time one of mine has been in here so I am delighted ...and now I have found this thread.....
May 6th, 2012
this one by @sumner

May 6th, 2012
I love this one... I love cows and this is just gorgeous...

May 6th, 2012
This is the only shot I fav'd during that time frame and I absolutely love it! :D
May 6th, 2012
@paulavdmerwe thanks Paula :))))
May 6th, 2012
I faved this by @mantha this week because I loved the delicate vulnerable feel of the shot.

May 6th, 2012
@ladyjane @mantha Thank you so much for your favs of my picture I'm glad it found an audience
May 6th, 2012
I do so love reflections and this one from @michaelelliott just does it for me...
May 6th, 2012
@hasselhotch Ahh thanks so much David =)
May 7th, 2012
It was hard to choose, but loved the simplicity, colour and focus of this snapdragon (plus it shows the dragon) by @jochristiansen
May 7th, 2012
May 7th, 2012
@bobfoto you are my fan club :)
May 7th, 2012
@tammeray thank you, chuffed. :)
May 7th, 2012
@ozziehoffy thank you :)
May 8th, 2012
@houdiniem - whoop whoop!
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