Show Off YOUR 2020 Favourites from YOUR albums

December 31st, 2020

2020 has been a bit *rubbish* ( * * insert word of choice) but how's it been for photography? Many of us have posted 365 or so photos we've liked this year, some of you choose a favourite a week to show-case.

This week, you are invited to share your top two or three uploads of the year.

Yes! It's like asking you to choose your favourite child/aunt/grandparent/friend but give it a go, the unchosen will not be offended.

To share a photo click on the little arrow underneath it (to the right), copy the data (inside the box that pops up) and paste it into the thread below.

To post multiple shots you can do in one of these ways.


Paste your first photo in the thread below. Go back and select your second shot, click on the edit link of your post, and paste in the new data . Both photos will then be in the same comment box.


Paste your copied photo data into a document (I use Word or a new e-mail!) and repeat with next photo's data. Then copy and paste all the sets of data in one go into the comment box in this thread


Have 365 open twice, one open to your project, the other open to this thread, and toggle between the two copying from your project and posting to this thread - can be confusing, but it's what I do each week when writing and posting this.(have you ever wondered about those typing errors? Now you know!!)

I've narrowed my 365+ uploads to these three

Oh how we laughed about keeping 2m distance between us on our last ever camera club outing in early March!

Learning processing, portraiture and having some fun! Lockdown led to innovative challenges and the learning of new skills

Copying others here is how I learn and gain skills. To get onto TT with this was a great feeling!

I've saved you from photos of the cat, fuzzy kingfisher shots and I'm going to click Start Topic now.................... before I change my mind again!!


December 31st, 2020
December 31st, 2020
December 31st, 2020
when you become a Grandparent your favorite photos inevitably become ones that make your heart sing with love for them, and they zip around so fast you feel very accomplished when you get something framed up nicely at the right shutter speed!

and of my other more arty ones i really liked this , even though its a copy from the Tessa Traeger artist challenge. i like the look

December 31st, 2020
I love the minimalism of this one

I like how the two parts combined into one unique photo

It was great to have @mcsiegle's Porc Cousteau meet Big Blue virtually
December 31st, 2020
@kali66 they are terrific! Especially the grand kids! @milaniet beautiful leading lines
@timerskine love the light on the clouds and the color!
All of yours are fabulous Jackie!
December 31st, 2020
@grammyn I love your dandymoon!!
@kali66 so good you could see them and we could watch them grow
@milaniet I want to step right in and follow that oath!
@timerskine fabulous fiery landscape
December 31st, 2020
My fabulous great niece who is such fun to be with

This one is from today.
December 31st, 2020
I had been looking thru all the 2020 photos posted, the idea was to make a collage of all the photos posted this year. Alas, I couldn't find any software that would do a 229 photo collage. But while looking back, for a fun photo from 2020, this is the one:

December 31st, 2020
I couldn't figure out my fav 3, so I choose the ones that were the most popular according to "stats".

December 31st, 2020
The only trip I took this year was to Hoover Dam/Las Vegas in Feb.

Spent the rest of the year close to home, mostly in my garden

December 31st, 2020
Here's three I'm particularly pleased with:

January 1st, 2021

This image is featured on the cover of our county calendar.

January 1st, 2021
@grammyn I absolutely loved your pig meetup. Big Blue makes me laugh every time I see him, and it’s so fun having a friend with similar humorous tendencies.
January 1st, 2021
Here's my favorite for the year. My 2020 wasn't so bad. It was nice staying home with this little guy.

(He had a short NICU stay due to low O2 levels, but he was fine after a couple days.)
January 1st, 2021
I started my project back up in October, so I picked my favorite from each of the last 3 months:

Looking forward to 2021's shots!
January 1st, 2021
@emrob and they are lovely!! Thank you for joining in
@sudweeks ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
@genealogygenie fab wildlife shots
@lsquared oh all wonderful
@blueberry1222 such contrast between the two
@granagringa do you find popular ones with community doesn't always coincide with your choice??
@byrdlip 229 collage!Hmmm probably not possible
@wakelys a common theme of water!
January 1st, 2021
@wakelys that great niece is a beauty!
@byrdlip I feel like Picasa might be able to do that but I am not certain
@granagringa love the bright detail in the flower
@blueberry1222 fabulous POV of the dam!
@lsquared all three wonderful
@genealogygenie congratulations on the cover shot!
@sudweeks the best kind of photo! Congratulations
@emrob terrific shot through the fence!
January 1st, 2021
I liked this simple shot which turned out better than I thought it would:

January 1st, 2021
I really love this shot of a Hermit Thrush I spotted on my recycling bin:

I enjoyed watching this lady blissfully play at the beach back in April. I decided to play around with high key photography since it was so bright out and she was wearing such bright colors.

My third favorite thing from this year wasn't really about "great" photography, but a fun thing I started doing. I live in a city and don't have a car, so I spend a lot of time walking and riding my bicycle around town. Over the years I've noticed certain tags spray painted or written on different things. I know graffiti isn't a great thing, but living in a city that's constantly changing I get a certain comfort from seeing things that are familiar. I've been seeing some of these tags since the 1990's. The people doing them probably aren't that young anymore. I've latched onto one tag in particular mostly because it's my surname. That tags aren't that nice. Kind of messy really, but nonetheless I try to take a picture of one whenever I come across them and post them here with the leach tag. You can see them here:

(sorry @homeschoolmom for hijacking your old tag)
January 2nd, 2021

January 2nd, 2021
Definitely the NEOWISE comet!
January 2nd, 2021
I loved the spooky atmosphere in this one and how the view from our front porch can be so drastically different every single day.
January 2nd, 2021
@jetr Looks very chilly
@taffy once in a life time shot
@mallocarray love a bit of pyrotechnics!!
@peadar real dispay of your varied skills and interests
January 3rd, 2021
One of the few times I was out of the house in 2020!
January 3rd, 2021
Gosh there are some beauties in this line up!!
Here's mine
January 3rd, 2021
phone photo of Schloss Blutenburg, my academic "home" where I was in January (back when we could travel!) in meetings that were a highlight of my career:

And of course Oliver has to be honored for his role in my pandemic photography:

And a new lens can inspire new ways of seeing the same backyard you've been photographing endlessly for months and months and months and months.
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