Favorite picture of your project and Why: November 3-9

November 10th, 2012
Post your favorite photo of your own project to share with those that may not otherwise see it.Lets also put WHY or WHAT about it you like.
There were some really great photographs last week. It is fun to see what you like of your posts as it is not always what everyone else chooses.

There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your favorite photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste.
The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed. http://365project.org/discuss/general/1323/how-to-adding-an-image-in-a-discussion.
November 10th, 2012
I really like his intent look and I was happy they came near the fence to be photographed.
November 10th, 2012
This was mine - technically am really pleased with how sharp I got this for a hand-held shot, and has been a really difficult week for me so is a reminder that there are nice things around and there is light at the end of the tunnel
November 10th, 2012
I was so pleased to capture a bird in motion, and in focus. I love the way it is staring right at me!
November 10th, 2012
Love her eyes

November 10th, 2012
its the first time i've really tried to focus on one thing and get dof

November 10th, 2012
I was pleased that I could get such a good outcome from my get-pushed challenge. And I was so happy with everyone's response too :-)
November 10th, 2012
I was happy with my use of light and shadow and love my angle on this one. The location was incredible, too!
November 10th, 2012

Because I love green and it fits well in the rainbow challenge I'm doing :)
November 10th, 2012
Blues on film
November 10th, 2012
Like the texture in this image.

November 10th, 2012
I have an album called 'same tree, different sky' dedicated to this tree where I post occasional photographs, but I think that this is my favourite picture because I love the moody sky and the way the light catches the sheep and hills. It is particularly poignant this week with the news being full of fears about all of the country's ash trees dying because it is an ash.

November 10th, 2012

This was my second time doing a baby shoot, it was a lot of hard work...eventually I got him to sleep and to pose him, but here he was bright eyed and very aware at 10 days old.
November 10th, 2012
This was a lot of fun to do and I love the way it turned out. :)

November 10th, 2012
Guy Forks:

Because I was devoid of ideas, desperate, and it turned out far better than I expected.

And I thought it was funny.

Well, someone had to.
November 10th, 2012
The Cranes atop the new World Trade Center Tower in NYC on a very gloomy day.

It was the very first long-range shot I took, and without a tripod in my not too steady hands, I wasn't expecting much, but here it is.

It is the unexpected lacy and delicate patterns of the structures that stay with me, and the trace of the sunlight behind the thick cloud seems to be fortuitously placed.
November 10th, 2012
@harveyzone Ha, ha! The date reference would escape most Americans. Really nice shot apart from that reference. I like it a lot.
November 10th, 2012
I did an autumn leaf color series all last week and I spent quite a bit of time selecting the subject and setting up this shot, two things I don't ordinarily do. But I was very pleased with the result:

November 10th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Great repeating lines and rectangles! It makes a nice study in blue as well.
November 10th, 2012
Only had the cat around a month, and already become a mad cat lady, which I didn't think would ever happen, lol. I think I need a life because I love this shot of him!

November 10th, 2012

Chasing these around the field made me laugh and actually catching one mid air was excellent. It is hunting season here and I felt like I did my job hunting something down and "shooting" it
November 10th, 2012
@andycoleborn The "eyes" have it! Really great portrait.
November 10th, 2012
@onie What can I say but spectacular. A clear favorite.
November 10th, 2012
I made this week my "memory week" with pictures taken around november 2, 3,4 years ago and so. Found this on my computer. Took it two years ago, and had almost forgotten it. I like the small amount of yellow against the light blue. And I also love the pattern from the branches.

November 10th, 2012
This one - because it turned out better than I hoped :) And I relly like the dof :)

November 10th, 2012
One of my first shots with my new camera. I just love the light.

November 10th, 2012
Because I love how the sun was setting which produced all the bokeh, it was a perfect afternoon at the end of a lovely week in France.
November 10th, 2012
Not an easy choice but this sooc series was lots of fun and captures my little girl well

November 10th, 2012
Sick most of the week and only took this one, but I really like it because I'm enjoying food photography at the moment:
November 10th, 2012
I love the detail on the vine and the fact you can see it growing. I also am very pleased that I took this with my cellphone and not my regular camera.
November 10th, 2012
This is my favorite this week because it''s a technique I've never tried, and I love how it captures some of the feeling and exhaustion of Parent-Teacher Conferences!

November 10th, 2012

This one made me pull to an instant stop in my car, then look for a parking so I could run across the road to shoot. Besides the obvious bright graphic - I love it because it reminds me that spontaneity is still alive and kicking inside me!
November 10th, 2012
@jannkc You never know when you will capture a wonderful moment in time!
November 10th, 2012
Gangnam Style

Because I had so much fun creating it and because it makes me smile every time I look at it. And because this is more editing that I have ever tried before.
November 10th, 2012
While not my favorite image this past week, I was pleased with this shot because I could never have taken this before the 365 project, and I am eternally grateful for the things I have learned through this amazing community of very talented photographers.
November 10th, 2012
I like this because it was unexpected. Went to a scenic overlook to get a view of the hurricane devestation, and came across this boy at the memorial instead.

November 10th, 2012

Because it looks like a tiny forest
November 10th, 2012
Probably this one as I had to think about it a bit and got it pretty much how I intended it to be
November 10th, 2012

I like this picture because of the colors of the leaves and my pov!
November 10th, 2012
This one, because my cats are lunatics and make me laugh so much.

November 10th, 2012
I love the detail and patterns in the stamens.

November 10th, 2012
This was inspired by a radio item on grief.

November 10th, 2012
because all of my boys have autism, it is hard to get any of them interested in being photographed, at all, ever. Here Jake actually went for it. He was happy to dress up and he was happy to let me take lots of photos. Thats a first! ;-) Dressing up must be in his genes tho, there are lots of photos of his dad in various 'costumes' in my project.
November 10th, 2012
A cold morning, some sun and a bit of luck combined to get this shot. No edits it just worked. A shame the other 100 didn't - but that is why I like ths one

November 10th, 2012
I always know what I have to be thankful for but doing this month long challenge is putting it all right out here. If I have pictures of family and friends, I will always choose those first, this is no exception. It's a reminder of the things that make us stronger as a family. It won't be long when our kids are gone and creating their own family traditions and memories. Knowing this makes these pictures all the more special.

November 10th, 2012
I took this yesterday and it's by far my favourite of the week. I love that my daughter was willing to help me with the shot (usually she's complaining about my photography) and I like how it turned out.

November 10th, 2012
I've been wanting to get a chinese lantern skeleton for ages, so I was pleased with this one :)

November 10th, 2012
I liked their poses and the cut out silhouette appearance
November 10th, 2012
I liked the fall bokeh in this one. Plus, I was so pleased that the dandelion was in focus...wind was howling and it was dancing like crazy!

November 10th, 2012
Because I had to travel for work, was in meetings 7:30 am till 10:00 at night, and I still managed to discover this beautiful setting IN the industrial park where our hotel was located. . .and because this would never have all come together before 365!

November 10th, 2012
@hehe1308 Your cats ARE lunatics and just made me LOL! :)
November 10th, 2012

it hasn't been the best week for me from a photography perspective... this shot isn't awesome, but i loved the simplicity of the scene... eveything else i have done just feels so chaotic...
November 10th, 2012
@victorypuzzle very cool!
November 10th, 2012
It's my favorite shot because I find these red weaver ants challenging to photograph. When I find them, I look for the ones that are alone, and I watch them and wait for a good opportunity, for when it is doing something interesting. It takes patience, which I don't have a whole lot of. So I'm really happy when I manage to get a good shot. 8)

November 10th, 2012
Because I was moved by this quiet winter/fall morning.
November 10th, 2012
Because its Paris!!!
November 10th, 2012
This one, because of the simplicity. I was at the beach taking pics. When I wanted to go I saw this and I knew this was it, it gave me the right feeling.

November 10th, 2012
This one, because I wanted to try long exposure... and well... I had to post-processed to have something... Like the way it turned :)

November 10th, 2012
This one, because I have been trying to catch a tractor ploughing or harrowing with seagulls behind it all year!!!
November 10th, 2012
Tough choice this week, may be not the most beautiful but I can't help smiling when I look at it si it's the reason why I picked it.

November 10th, 2012
I was really pleased with this one... because my dog id rather hard to capture, because he doesn't stand sit still for many seconds together!

November 10th, 2012
Definitely this one, very pleased with how it came out:

November 10th, 2012
This one because I had a chance to do some early morning photography on a Monday which is a wonderful way to start the week & I love the way it turned out:

November 10th, 2012
this one because it is something completely different for me and I surprised myself with it. When I look at it, I can't help but think to myself.. "wow... I did that?"
November 10th, 2012

This is a special photo to me. I love the newborn butterfly, the chysalis with the butterfly ready to hatch (which it did less than an hour later), and the hint of spider web in the background. I am a bit obsessed with these creatures and to see this wonder of nature (and to be able to snap it) just rocked my world! :-)
November 10th, 2012
I had a very satisfying photo week this time around - my Get Pushed challenge was super fun. I've been aching to do double exposures lately, and love how this one turned out.

November 10th, 2012

This was my favorite for the week...a vintage portrait of my gorgeous sister. I loved the setting and the light and shadows. Such a great photo of her, too. Besides having all 3 kids running around and vying for my attention, I loved the shoot and spending time with her, too.
November 10th, 2012
I waited like a fisherman to make this photo, and got lucky. That purposeful stride was more than I could have hoped for ... also pleased that it's on film.

November 10th, 2012
I was really pleased with my composition of this and the light and shadows as well. It is hard (for me) to catch the feel of the coulees (those ridges which look like mountains but are actually the river's edge!) and I thought I managed it pretty well.
November 10th, 2012
My daughter the day before her sixth birthday. I love the feel of this shot. I feel like it captures a moment between child and girl..
November 10th, 2012
November 10th, 2012
I went to this bridge in my home town with a view to get some long exp. with the water beneath ~ I failed miserably but got this shot of the gondola that is the part that travels across the river, the original was a bit of a disappointment, but I played with it in pp, and ended up with this shot ~ the people who run a web site to help preserve the bridge have kindly posted my photo on the web site too ~ a first for me :-)

November 10th, 2012
November 10th, 2012
This has been my fav for a while. A prize find down a country road, have been able to do so much with this picture and it got my first fav . :)
November 10th, 2012
I was really pleased with the shots I'd been taking on that afternoon and then the shaft of light came through the clouds to light up the hillside and it became magical.

November 10th, 2012
My fav this week as I was able to portray it's so delicate nature:

November 10th, 2012
November 10th, 2012
Used the Fuji Tungsten here, the colours are just amazing!
November 10th, 2012
Because I hardly ever get time to set up a shot!
November 10th, 2012
I think this one from Nov 5 because it symbolized our presidential election which was a very big day in determining the future of the US and the world:

November 10th, 2012
This Instagram image is my fave for the week because of the mood it evokes...I was not happy when I first realized that there was a person in the right hand corner, but now I kind of like the human element and solitary sense...
November 11th, 2012
It was fun creating this shot and lowering the saturation in-camera to give it cooler colors.
November 11th, 2012
I think this is my first pic on PP ! I was very surprised ! And very happy!

Thanks soooo much guys!

November 11th, 2012
this one, because of this weed's resilience to the elements and i love the play of light and colours on the overall shot:
November 11th, 2012

I really like the look of this building.
November 11th, 2012

I loved this beautiful monkey found at the Mogo Zoo. His contemplative look struck me, his lovely tuft of orange fur amongst all the blues, browns and greys and the unique texture of his coat.
November 11th, 2012
My first capture of a blue jay... like the red branches around him
November 11th, 2012
Here's mine from the 9th, at the end of a great holiday

November 11th, 2012
This is totally out of character for my wife (on the left) and her sister, so I really get a laugh out of it. We were at a camera club picnic, and our club members dressed up and acted goofy for the cameras.
November 11th, 2012
I love well lit photo's and in general my photo's are all darker than I like. I like this one because of the lighting, but also because these are my favorite people!

November 11th, 2012
This is my favourite photo because after spending nearly four hours at the hospital after having a big accident, my gorgeous little girl was still all smiles. We won't forget this day in a hurry.

November 11th, 2012
this one's my fav, 'cause i had so much fun setting it up and playing around with it in photoshop later
oh and i love the title: weapon of mass construction :-()

November 11th, 2012
a long exposure of the pier and happy with the composition but the edit just topped it all off.
November 11th, 2012
This one because it was such fun to take! (along with the pens, shampoo and soaps from the hotel room)
November 11th, 2012
just sentimental value :) Its hard to take pictures of the two of them and now they were really a copy-paste image sitting side by side. :)
November 11th, 2012
November 11th, 2012
I was pleased with this because I've not seen low tide at Eastbourne very often. I had to take it without looking through the view finder so was pleased with the result!

November 11th, 2012
It's tough choosing one out of my whole project but I love this one.. it's my favourite tree, it's where I grew up, my dear homeland and I love the colours and the sky and the general feel of the image, if that makes sense!

November 11th, 2012
This was the sunrise over the Gulf of Mexico. We went camping at Ft. Pickens. Ft. Pickens is at the very end of the barrier island. (Pensacola Beach, Florida). I had taken several photos the night before of the sunset and got up early to take a sequence of sunrise shots. I don't get to see the sunrise very often, so it was awesome to watch. Now, I have some photos to remember it.

November 11th, 2012
it's not been a great photo week for me, but this is prob my fav of an average bunch!

November 11th, 2012
I like this because it's one of the rare times I have been really creative!

November 12th, 2012
Similar to Therese @monkeykid, it's rare that i catch my dog Bella still long enough to catch a shot. I love how just her nose is in focus. This was the first shot i took after borrowing a macro lense for a few days.

November 12th, 2012
Big Sis Meet Little Sis

Obvious sentimental reasons - these are my people! Glad I had my camera hospital bedside for this one.
November 12th, 2012

Although I find that I haven't posted many, I"m learning that I really enjoy photographing people much more than I expected.
November 12th, 2012

I like this one because it's an onion volcano! Flaming onions are interesting!
November 12th, 2012

I just love the pelican's shape. I often see them on the water but to get one in flight was very cool for me.
November 12th, 2012

This is my favorite because of the bright colors and stained glass window
November 12th, 2012

so far my fav pic of my 2nd 365 year - - the interior of an abandoned rail car in the middle of a field in Washington state.
November 13th, 2012

I spotted the sheep in gentle sunlight on this misty morning while doing dishes. I feel blessed to live in a rural setting.
November 13th, 2012
This one... because I had to set up the scene AND trick the cat into participating. And it turned out even better than I thought it would!

November 13th, 2012
I'm not a big fan of my photos in general. But this one is probably my favorite. I was in the middle of work, and the idea just struck me. I grabbed a piece a paper the first chance I had, and sketched the photo first. Then in the morning when I got home, I tried to replicate it. And its almost exact to the sketch.
November 14th, 2012
This one which I posted to fit the November list word of the day "Shadow" and I chose it from a balloon trip back in August.....the shadow of the balloon was one of the things that really amazed me about the whole experience :)

November 14th, 2012
Its been a while since i've done a beauty shoot and reading up on some articles renewed my passion on it.

November 15th, 2012

This one as I love photographing people, especially when they're "in a moment" and oblivious to the camera.
November 16th, 2012
I still like this one ...
November 16th, 2012
sorry, I forgot about this one too, I had tried so hard for so long to get it, I was amazed when I finally got it!

November 16th, 2012

I'm not sure why I like this picture so much as it is just a simple seagull but I think the colour and texture of the background is pleasing as is the clarity of the bird itself :)
November 19th, 2012
Boys being boys:

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