Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else: Week of Jan 26 - Feb 1

February 1st, 2013
Oh, brother. . .I don't want any of you to think that this thread is ANY less important to me just because I'm finished with my year. . .we just have a big occasion in store this evening, lots of company here, and my boss made me work even though I had requested a PTO day!! Sorry, guys. . .

This discussion chain is to highlight the work of someone else and show a photo that you marked as +FAV (on the top of the screen) this week. Having people FAV your photo lets you know that what you did really connected with other photographers and for the new members, it really helps get that photo to the popular page. We do this post every week and it is a great way to see work you might of missed or find someone new to follow.

So find a fav from this week and include their user name and why you connected with this photo. Please don't forget to CREDIT their photo with the username!

There are two easy ways to add pictures on to the discussion.
The first is a full size photo: 1) Click on your favorite photo and bring up its page. 2)Look at the right side of your monitor, and go to the word SHARE (it is below tags) 3) go to the box and copy the long address 4) Come back to the discussion, and then paste. 5) If it is not your photo also tag the person who it belongs to so they know you love it (@name) remember no punctuation on either side of the @and name.
The second is to have a smaller file size so to keep the site from getting overwhelmed.
February 2nd, 2013
Our dear friend Sue Wilde had one of the very best water drops EVER!! @swilde

February 2nd, 2013
this picture is beautiful, simple and my weekly FAV by @corinthiantheunwise
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I gotta post 2



February 2nd, 2013
For me this week it's this from Mick Porter @pizzaboy
beautiful tones and a great POV
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Love this one by Beau @losthorizon, perfect shot to finish off the first year!
February 2nd, 2013
@cbawernsen - I'm not alone in this recognition of a great photo. Simply superb, Corinne!
February 2nd, 2013
I really loved this one by Skip Tribby @skipt07
February 2nd, 2013
I had dozens of FAVs this week, but this one is my favorite - I just love everything about this capture by @lesip

February 2nd, 2013
@tanja_1211 I so loved that one by Beau, too!! @losthorizon
February 2nd, 2013
This courthouse shot by @lisabell is beautiful, and it is framed by trees. Lovely:
February 2nd, 2013
This one from @michelle58 is so pretty and delicate.
February 2nd, 2013
This one by @michael elliott is stunning - it can be interpreted in so many ways
February 2nd, 2013
I faved many this week for the beauty of the shot and this one for its inventiveness and because it made me laugh!

February 2nd, 2013
This one from Mick. Love the colours, and the effort it took to get the photo

February 2nd, 2013
@tanja_1211 Tanja's snow flake - the detail is amazing!

February 2nd, 2013
Just noticed Micks has already been mentioned, so I'm putting in another one

February 2nd, 2013
@amandalomonaco - Thank very much Amanda! I am honored that you would consider my photograph worthy to be placed along side so many beautiful works!
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I faved a lot of photos this week but I'm not sure there's anything sweeter than brand spankin' new baby feet!! This one's by Katie @katiebrenkert

February 2nd, 2013
A perfect farewell to Houston by @colosimo

February 2nd, 2013
I have added many Favs to my list this week because of some the fantastic work the artists I follow have submitted. I am going to be bad and submit two. Sorry @lyno but you are the first. I love the simplicity and the beauty of your shot! No I never tired of them my friend!

The second one was beautifully arranged, composed and photographed by @judithdeacon that is truly art!

February 2nd, 2013
@trude had two shots this week that I loved, but I'm picking this one.

February 2nd, 2013
@skipt07 Why thank you Skip, I am truly honoured!
February 2nd, 2013
@doyouseewhatisee Wow, thanks so much! I’m very flattered that you like i!
February 2nd, 2013
I have several to choose from, but I'll settle on this one from Lucy (@streetlyend):
February 2nd, 2013
As always, I am so amazed by the wonderful shots, and if I have to pick one I would go with this one which I loved by @rwhite

February 2nd, 2013

This one by @vskolnik :)
February 2nd, 2013
@david68 Thanks David! I'm flattered

@spirrowshoot This is actually the only fav I had this week, so by definition it's my favorite fav. It's a great shot though!
February 2nd, 2013
@rvwalker Just an awesome shot Ross.

February 2nd, 2013
@siwainastromoy Fantastic Shot!
February 2nd, 2013
Love this!


February 2nd, 2013

love this one by Tata.
February 2nd, 2013
Love this photo so much ♥ @daily_moment
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Really hard to choose this week but I went with this one by @trude - the colours and reflection are just gorgeous.
February 2nd, 2013
I had a tie, but they’re similar i style so I’m posting both because I can’t just pick one!

February 2nd, 2013
I loved this by @spankyjane. So retro. Baby in basket while mama doing laundry.
February 2nd, 2013
@billabonga real. life.
February 2nd, 2013

@cromwell For having the courage to capture
February 2nd, 2013
@httpgeffed -- Aww, thanks Colleen. :-)
February 2nd, 2013
@losthorizon I love stuff like this!

I wish I could post 2 shots, but the other shot is a finalist in the eye of the beholder challenge and since I'm hosting, I probably shouldn't post it while voting is going on
February 2nd, 2013
@hollandcrew Thanks, Al. My goodness... I'm honored.
February 2nd, 2013
Without hesitation Bulldog's interpretation of "Movement." I smile everytime I see it!

February 2nd, 2013
@lisabell Thank you so much, Lisabell! I am thrilled!
February 2nd, 2013
@lyno if you ever need a backup, I have some experience on this thread ;-) just let me know and I think I can recall how to post the favorite fav.

February 2nd, 2013
I love the architecture, the exposure and grain to this photo by @harley84
February 2nd, 2013
this one combines two of my fav subjects Skylines and skys @michaelelliott
February 2nd, 2013
I have two - both from @brav

February 2nd, 2013

another fantastic shot from Beau

February 2nd, 2013

I really liked this shot from Ian, too.

February 2nd, 2013
I am very honoured by your gesture, faving my picture. Thank you so much for your endless time and support, which I appreciate greatly :)"
February 2nd, 2013
Loved this one for the bright colours and how the droplet had all the dots in it, by @pammerritt
February 2nd, 2013
@joeymc thanks so much :):)
February 2nd, 2013
@cromwell thank you crom:):)
February 2nd, 2013
this minimalistic shot by @ouimo appealed to me very much.
February 2nd, 2013
@tammeray Thank you very much - so nice of you :-)
February 2nd, 2013
@dulciknit - Thank you Alison for the honor :-)
February 2nd, 2013
I LOVE this one by @michelle58 too
February 2nd, 2013

love love love!!
February 2nd, 2013
@phillyphotos Wow!!! Thank you so very much!!! :o)
February 2nd, 2013
@kvarnum just love this shot, so sweet!
February 2nd, 2013
This one by @westcoastwallis because I love Pickle

February 2nd, 2013
I fav'd a few this weekI it was hard to pick just 1 but I love this one @automaticslim

@glendq thank you so much for the fav, I am so thrilled to be included in this thread!
February 2nd, 2013
It's so hard to pick, but browsing my favs, my eye kept coming back to this one by @githaofegestal - it's just awesome!

February 2nd, 2013

This was my favourite from Glendg...saying goodbye to January and all the beautiful sunsets photographed that month.
February 2nd, 2013
@onie @serpantmedia Thanks to both of you for mentioning my photo :)
February 2nd, 2013
@amandakay129 Wow , thank you SO much Amanda ! :) :) :)
February 2nd, 2013
@lyno Lyn I am astonished and deeply grateful for your kindness to my little shot.
February 2nd, 2013
My favorite because it is an important reminder of the power of photography, photojournalism, and a sense of social responsibility ...
February 2nd, 2013
@kiwiflora wow thank you so much
February 2nd, 2013
@markyl this one made me howl and I thought, wow now that is really creative and amazing how he was able to see those words within the starbucks coffe logo...I would never have been able to come up with.
February 2nd, 2013
The simplicity of this shot by Alan Douglas just knocked my boots of @dougi555

February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I love architectural shots... thought this was a great one by @onyx

February 2nd, 2013
I love how the smoke as blended all the colours.

February 2nd, 2013

@suebarni- I have to go with this one just because he is just happy and it was a happy week for me, so great shot and my fav for e week
February 2nd, 2013
This one is by @sistawood I swore it was a Nike Ad! She has amazing shots! :) Check her out! :)

February 2nd, 2013
Wow, thank you AC - You are too kind
February 2nd, 2013
In a bit of a change from the norm, mine has to be this one, because it just says it all.

February 2nd, 2013
@rockinrobyn I loved this and then had to explain why. Still do
February 2nd, 2013
@emrob ... thanks Mandy, glad I decided to share this old favourite shot of mine :-)
February 2nd, 2013
Prompted by @emrob Mandy's post, I checked my own latest FAVs and this SOOC by Jim cannot go unposted :-D @squamloon
February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
Melody -- @melody2289 - into one of the best
February 2nd, 2013
@thebluegnu Oh wow, BlueGnu, thank you SO much!! I continue to be blown away by the response to my Flaming Sky shot!
February 2nd, 2013
@shirljess Glad you showed this one - Mark has such talent!
February 2nd, 2013
@shirljess thank you so much Shirley :-)
February 2nd, 2013
It was a hard choice this week, but I eventually settled on this. I just love the lighting - almost looks like an oil painting!

February 2nd, 2013
@hopess13 many thanks
February 2nd, 2013

I love this because I would love to see one of these creatures@orca5150
February 2nd, 2013
Thankyou both so overwhelmed by the response of this shot:)
February 2nd, 2013
I really love this shot from melvin @imagenation love the bird, the lighting, the composition and that he managed to capture the spiderweb in there as well!

February 2nd, 2013
Has to be this one. Gorgeous colours and composition and subject of course.......
February 2nd, 2013
Phenomenal colors and reflections in this beauty by: @trude

February 2nd, 2013
I faved more pictures this week than ever before, but this is my overall favourite

February 2nd, 2013
I've got two! The deliciously gorgeous cake shot a bit above posted by @jesperani and shot by by @rachelmackenzie

Also this really cool idea by @timpryorphoto - may need to have an idea borrow :P

February 2nd, 2013
@jantan Thank you very much Jan. I am very honoured by you gesture, faving this pic. I really didn't think this pic would be so popular. It received over 60 fav's, but still didn't make it to the top 20, even though there were shots with lower statistics. Maybe I just don't know how it is worked out! You have just made my day anyway and I appreciate it lots. Cheers :)"
February 2nd, 2013
@peterdegraaff thank you,Peter. On both accounts! :)
February 2nd, 2013
This is a gorgeous shot by Dana!!! @butrfli

February 2nd, 2013
A beautiful photo by @karenann
I love the composition and colors!

February 2nd, 2013
February 2nd, 2013
I loved this one by @pammerritt

February 2nd, 2013
This one by @grizzlysghost just continues to leave me speechless.

@githaofegestal , I'm honored that you chose my night shot—thank you!
February 2nd, 2013
@squamloon Haha, thanks! That was a fun one to do!
February 2nd, 2013
@medusa Thank you so much Diana! Bennett is one of my favorite subjects! :)
February 2nd, 2013
@grizzlysghost Too funny—that dog pic was my Fave of these Faves!!
February 2nd, 2013
@grizzlysghost He sure looks like a character. And that shot is amazing.
February 2nd, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 Gosh Dawn, thank you so much!
February 2nd, 2013
I have two favs this week - as @thebluegnu has already posted one of them

Here's my other favourite fav - by @kimshots

February 2nd, 2013

This is so lovely :)
February 2nd, 2013
@jantan i do not tire of looking at this - this just makes me happy!
February 2nd, 2013
@monkeykid OMG! thx so much therese, this just made my week. i never think to add my favorite fav of the week, but seeing how happy this has made me, i'm going to take your lead. the week you posted your nephew on the dragonfly would DEFINITELY been have been my fav of the month. :-)
February 3rd, 2013
Love this shot by @cockoftherock
February 3rd, 2013
@willowdragon Wow - I am just so thrilled!
February 3rd, 2013
@gphelps5 Oh, that's so cool, Bulldog! It can't be said enough... Thank you!!
February 3rd, 2013
@humphreyhippo Thank you so much!! :)
February 3rd, 2013
@skipt07 Skip, bless your heart. . .it was on your encouragement that I kept shooting the tulips long past their prime. Thank you so much. And I am so glad that @amandalomonaco Amanda posted your kayaker here as that was my next go to for posting!

@phillyphotos Paula, thanks so much for the offer and I know you would help!! I'll keep it in mind, but I really love doing this. I can't believe that I got distracted from it two Fridays in a row! It may wear thin eventually but it really helps to know there are folks who will help. XX
February 3rd, 2013
@siwainastromoy Because of the sense of total relaxation in this.
February 3rd, 2013
@tanja_1211 @amandalomonaco @lizzybean Tanja, Amanda and Lizzy....thank you so much. I'm truly honored by this. Always so much better to a photo of ours on here then on any PP. Means a lot. :)
February 3rd, 2013
@jsw0109 Jeff....thank you so much. Humbled. Honored.
February 3rd, 2013
This one by Sean @seanoneill is stunning. Brilliant.
February 3rd, 2013
@danitech Wow thank you so very much Danielle, I'm honored =)
February 3rd, 2013
It would have to be this one here by TJ @tjs_world_part_2. I don't think it could have been done any better than this.

February 3rd, 2013
Faved some gorgeous ones by @luvthyclassics this week, but I'll have to go for this one:
February 3rd, 2013
Another tough choice but I have chosen this one by @Gerry for that fabulous graceful pose, detail and color. Plus, I love swan shots!

February 3rd, 2013
Love the lighting, composition and colors in this shot by @siwainastromoy
February 3rd, 2013

Such a gorgeous photo! : )
February 3rd, 2013

@trude just because it is so relaxing and sometimes we need to do just that...relax
February 3rd, 2013
@harley84 those tones!!

February 3rd, 2013
so many great photos this week, but I love this from @yellowdog- This is what I strive for in a portrait but can never seem to achieve- perfect
February 3rd, 2013
@cimes1 thank you so much Carole oh how sweet of you like the rest on 365 you already made your comment thank you again and once more thank you to all and every one who commented of this photo just incase i have missed any one out.
February 3rd, 2013
There were a lot of cool shots out there this week but I loved this one from Beau @losthorizon

February 3rd, 2013
@pum71 Thank you very much Muriel!!:)
February 3rd, 2013
@gemtumble Thanks so much, Gemma!:)
February 3rd, 2013
it think this shot has a ncie meaning and beautiful mood to it @sharrystar
February 3rd, 2013
@huvesaker thank you, it's definitely a relaxing place to be:)
February 4th, 2013
tough one this week... i fav'd many and i still like 'em all just as much as when i fav'd 'em! anyway, picking this one by @catwhiskers for it's wondrous sense of scale...

February 4th, 2013
@northy Wow, thank you so much Northy! I'm honored
February 4th, 2013
I loved this one from somebody named Lyn. ;-) You did a good job of making this look like the city planet out of Star Wars.

February 4th, 2013
@sjodell Thank you so much Sarah. I'm deeply honored.
February 4th, 2013
@jesperani Thank you so much Jennifer. I am a big fan of your work so it means so much coming from you. Xx
February 4th, 2013
this was easier for me as a lot of my faves have already been posted. I usually fail to post here as I cannot chose among st my faves. This is from Ria and I love it, has an ethereal feeling about it @riartisan

February 4th, 2013
I loved everything about this - the composition, lighting, warm colours, the natural habitat and of course the bird itself (one of my favourites to see)

February 4th, 2013
February 4th, 2013
@alceyone Lol.. seems we were thinking alike ;)
February 4th, 2013
I love how @henrir utilized the reflection ball, so creative:
February 4th, 2013
Quite often I fave a photo becasue it something I would have love to have taken myself. I take it as an inspiration for future pictures. This is one such photo....@michelle58
February 4th, 2013
@kjarn @houdiniem thank you super nice ladies! Been away for the weekend so I've got some catching up to do:) My fav this week is this one by @harley84 - perfect diner shot, and I have a diner shot with similar tones that I think might make a perfect companion for this one:)
February 4th, 2013
@westcoastwallis Thank you so much Paula!!! :o)
February 4th, 2013
I just loved this one by @bluebell, it's so sweet and the lighting is perfect.
February 4th, 2013
@kbalychev Thank for being such an awesome encourager to me!! I so appreciate you cheering me on in my passion of photography!!!!
February 4th, 2013
@frida Awwww Thanks so much Frida. Really really appreciated!
February 4th, 2013

Ann H. LeFevre A photo of her son. A series of photos without the persons. :-)
February 5th, 2013
@janettee Many many thanks for Fav my photo, it's made my day :0)
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