Popular Page Statistics by Alexis Birkill

March 28th, 2019
A lot of us value the popular page statistics provided by Alexis Birkhill - I certainly do. I recently contacted him via his site and asked if it would be possible to post the total number of entries at the bottom of each user's page. I had no response from Alexis but I noted today that he has indeeded added that facility.

Thank you so much Alexis - if anybody knows his 365 identity, perhaps they would kindly tag him.

March 28th, 2019
Hi Richard,

Thanks for posting, and for making the suggestion of adding the total count! I did send a reply to your e-mail but I guess it must have been eaten by a hungry spam filter somewhere along the way.

It's great to know that people are still finding the page useful. I'd been wondering whether to keep it going or not over the last couple of months, and you've encouraged me to do so.


March 28th, 2019
I don't think Alexis is on here any more. I used to follow him and he's not on my follow list. He's still on Flickr, I follow him there. I can thank him on Flickr.
March 28th, 2019
@abirkill Thanks for keeping it going Alexis! Your night sky shots always inspired me!!
March 28th, 2019
@abirkill Thank you so much Alexis- I've delved into the spams but no luck! If your site can stand the processing overhead to keep the PP statistics page live, you will be thanked by a lot of grateful 365ers

I'll take this opportunity to remind folks that this is entirely a private initiative and is noway sponsored by 365.
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill Thanks so much for keeping this page alive. I should imagine that many of us are interested to see how we are doing ;-)
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill - huge thank you, alexis. it is indeed a useful page.

@vignouse - thank you for reminding us that we should be thankful for guys like alexis.
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ„°
March 29th, 2019
Thank you @abirkill --it is a really helpful page!
March 29th, 2019
Thank you, Alexis - I do so appreciate your continued support to this wonderful initiative. I did not realize that it goes through your site. A double thanks!
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill oh yes it's fantastic - I have it linked on my website about koala conservation THANK YOU ALEXIS!
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill I love the popular page stats - huge thank you from me :)
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill Thanks so much for the PP stats, very useful page!
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill Thank you very much for the PP stats!!! I enjoy going to it just to see which of my pics got the most reactions. I realize that my PP pics are more a tribute to my 365 Friends' kindness than my photographic ability, but I enjoy my little PP stat page on your site anyway! Thanks for keeping it going!
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill please do!!! Even though sometimes I wonder how suƧh a c#*p shot I uploaded got there. It's fun to see and I learn so much looking at other people's great photos that deserve to be there!!!
March 29th, 2019
@abirkill oh and thank you
March 30th, 2019
Wow, thanks for all the positive comments! You've definitely convinced me to keep it going!
March 30th, 2019
Wow thanks Alexis @abirkill, I wasn't aware of this page It's brilliant. There are photos on there I'd forgotten about.
March 30th, 2019
Iā€™m confused. What popular page statistics and where can I find them?
March 30th, 2019
@abirkill Thank you Alexis for keeping it going!
March 30th, 2019
@kjarn Hello Kathy - you can find your PP entries here: https://alexisbirkill.com/365project/popularpage/getuserdetails.php?username=kjarn
You'll see that you have 64 so far.
For any one else who is puzzled, use this link after having replaced 'kjarn' with your own user name.
March 30th, 2019
@vignouse thank you very much
March 30th, 2019
@abirkill thank you for these brilliant statistics - and for @vignouse for reminding us to be thankful
March 30th, 2019
@abirkill Thanks Alexis - it is really good of you to have set this up and to keep it going :)
@vignouse Thanks for highlighting this
March 30th, 2019
Just checked out Alexis' project which is fab and also found this link on the homepage:
"This page selects 30 random photos from the entirety of the 365project site. This is a neat way to find photos or photographers you might not necessarily have been aware of."
March 30th, 2019
Wow - thanks so much Alexis - I never knew this existed! It is so exciting to be able to see this summary of your images that the 3565 community enjoyed. How very kind of you to do this! Cheers Rob
March 31st, 2019
@abirkill thanks Alexis. It's been wonderful to have this site and the stats available.
April 6th, 2019
@abirkill - awesome! Thank you for the great page and statistics!
April 7th, 2019
Guess who's here folks ... it took a long time and I don't know how, but it's lovely to 'meet' you all again.and I'll probably interrupt a few more of your discussions if I can find my way back!
August 19th, 2019
@abirkill Thank you for all you do! Iā€™m a newbie and was surprised and happy to learn about your site. Iā€™m thrilled that I can access information about my PP photosā€”plus, the stats!
August 20th, 2019
@abirkill Itā€™s a great page. Iā€™ve tried to copy the code for the Trending page but to no avail šŸ˜œ

Thank you.
August 22nd, 2019
@abirkill Thank you so much!!
May 12th, 2020
By the way - just thought I would thank you for this great addition! It thrills me when one of my shots actually makes it there!
May 19th, 2020
@abirkill Thank you so much!!
May 30th, 2020
@vignouse thank you Richard for starting this discussion and thanks a lot @abirkill for doing this. I didnā€™t know about this page and I really enjoyed it. When you say that there is a total count of entries at the bottom of each of us, Howe, I cannot understand. I havenā€™t seen any total number on my site. Can you help me with that? Thank you again!
May 30th, 2020
@caterina At the top of Alexis' page for your project, the first line will say 'Found xxxx photos' xxxx corresponding to the number of your images that have made PP.
May 30th, 2020
Sorry again, but alexisā€™ pagefor my project is my regular site? Or there is another page Iā€™m not aware of?
May 30th, 2020
May 30th, 2020
@vignouse Thank you Richard. Is there any similar system for the curated page?
May 30th, 2020
@caterina Not that I know of Caterina, nor the TP. These PP statistics are produced personally by Alexis as a service to members... he has nothing to do with 365.
May 30th, 2020
@vignouse there are so many things I donā€™t know about. 365! Thank you for sharing
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