Looks like I've made it to my 10th year on 365. I've been taking photos on and off for a long time and use a Nikon D800 and a Nikon Coolpix P900. I also use my Real Me mobile phone as it is the camera that is usually with me. Recently a nephew gave me a Canon 5D Mk III and a Canon 50D plus pile of old Canon gear, so something else to master. I live in Mapleton, Qld, Australia on the beautiful Blackall Range overlooking the Sunshine Coast. My photography is part creative and part documentary, and often opportunistic. In 2022 I started a second album where I'll try to think more about what I have taken, or plan to use a certain technique and go out and do it. My website is www.jennifereurell.com and covers some of my more arty photography as well as my art practice.