• September 2024

1st Sep 2024 - Summer Shower
2nd Sep 2024 - Wild Turkeys
3rd Sep 2024 - Flying Shrimp
4th Sep 2024 - Double Delight Bud
5th Sep 2024 - Double Delight Bloom
6th Sep 2024 - Very Observant
7th Sep 2024 - Hummingbird Throat Markings
8th Sep 2024 - Cloudless Sulphur
9th Sep 2024 - Fall is in the Air
10th Sep 2024 - Beautyberry
11th Sep 2024 - Mill Creek
12th Sep 2024 - Pipevine Swallowtail
13th Sep 2024 - Fort Mountain Pollinator Garden
14th Sep 2024 - Poetry in Motion
15th Sep 2024 - Ruby Throated Hummingbird
16th Sep 2024 - Singing Away
17th Sep 2024 - Portrait of a Turkey
18th Sep 2024 - Roses & Sunflowers
19th Sep 2024 - Sunflower Bee